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Sync cell arrays using unique

10 views (last 30 days)
Joel Schelander
Joel Schelander on 20 Apr 2021
Answered: Chetan on 28 Feb 2024
I have two cells GUD and GUDID, GUD is containing a 1x1000 double and GUDID contains a cell for every element in GUD.
I am calculating on GUD here. GUDID contains one ID number for every element in GUD
GUD={[2.56 3.23 1.22....]}
GUDID={173 178 180....}
for lol = 1:numel(GUD)
  1 Comment
Rik on 20 Apr 2021
It is not clear to me what you question is or what you want to do.
One tiny speedup: as long as you avoid some classes (strings, tables, timetables, and more), you can use the legacy syntax:
idx = ~cellfun('isempty',GUD{lol});

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Answers (1)

Chetan on 28 Feb 2024
I understand you need to synchronize your `GUDID` cell array with the unique values obtained from the `GUD` cell array.
To achieve this, you can utilize the index output from the `unique` function to subset the corresponding IDs.
Here's the modified loop with some mock data:
% Mock data
GUD = {[2.56, 3.23, 1.22, 2.56, 3.23], [1.11, 1.22, 1.11]};
GUDID = {[173, 178, 180, 173, 178], [190, 180, 190]};
% Process to get unique values and corresponding IDs
for lol = 1:numel(GUD)
[GUD{lol}, ia] = unique(GUD{1,lol}, 'stable'); % 'stable' keeps original order
GUDID{lol} = GUDID{lol}(ia); % Subset the IDs based on unique value indices
GUD = 1×2 cell array
{[2.5600 3.2300 1.2200]} {[1.1100 1.2200]}
GUDID = 1×2 cell array
{[173 178 180]} {[190 180]}
By using `ia`, you ensure `GUDID` reflects the changes in `GUD`.
For more information on the `unique` function and indexing refer to following MathWorks Documentation:





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