trigonometric non linear equation
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Trying to solve the nonlinear equation using this code but geeting error :

code :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
F=@(x) [(Vm/3)*{cos(x(2))-cos(x(1)+pi/3)+1.5*cos(x(1))-1.5*cos(x(2))}-Vdc*{(x(2)-x(1))/2-(2*x(2))/2+(x(1)+pi/3)/1.5}; (Vm/3)*{cos(x(1)+pi/3)-cos(x(2))+cos(x(2)-(2*pi)/3)-cos(x(1)-pi/3)-1.5*cos(x(1)+pi/3)+1.5*cos(x(1))}-Vdc*{(x(1)-x(2)+pi/3)/3-(x(2)-x(1))/2}];
options=optimoptions('fsolve', 'Display', 'iter');
Undefined operator '*' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Error in
Error in fsolve (line 242)
fuser = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
Accepted Answer
on 23 Apr 2021
I have no idea what this question is about, but I do notice that some of the expressions are surrounded with curly braces { } rather than parentheses ( ). In Matlab, the curly braces indicate a cell-array, and that seems to be causing a problem with the multiplication operator (which cannot be used on cells).
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