Using Test & Measurement Toolbox to control Keithley 6517b via ICS 488-USB2 USB-to-GPIB, however Toolbox is not detecting hardware. Can anyone help?
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I am using Using Test & Measurement Toolbox to control a Keithley 6517b electrometer via ICS 488-USB2 USB-to-GPIB, however Toolbox is not detecting hardware.
I am able to control the hardware via the ICS driver software 488.2V4 and labview. I would ideally like to use matlab as I am not very familiar with labview.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Answers (3)
on 9 Aug 2013
Edited: Friedrich
on 9 Aug 2013
did you took a look here. It seems like you need Instrument Control Toolbox rather than Data Acquisition Toolbox. Also in the case Data Acquisition Toolbox is suited it seems like you need a 32bit Data Acquisition Toolbox + MATLAB and maybe some addition driver from the file exchange. For Instrument Control Toolbox see here for the driver version you need to install in order to communicate over GBIP.
on 7 Feb 2023
I've exactly the same need as you @Stephen. Did you finally succeed in using matlab with the 6517B electrometer ?
As far I'm concerned I thnink I've installed all the drivers and tollbox needed but still I can't succeed in communicating with the electrometer. Here is the answer of the instrsupport command, if anyone could help me to find the problem that would be awsome. Thanks in advance.
------------- CURRENT DATE AND TIME -------------
ans =
'07-Feb-2023 11:39:43'
matlabVersion =
' (R2021b)'
toolboxVersion =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup struct" style="font-weight:bold">struct</a> with fields:
Name: 'Instrument Control Toolbox'
Version: '4.5'
Release: '(R2021b)'
Date: '14-May-2021'
------------- SERIAL LIBRARY VERSION -------------
ans =
------------- INSTALLED ADAPTORS -------------
info =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
MATLABVersion: '9.11 (R2021b)'
SupportedInterfaces: {'gpib' 'serial' 'serialport' 'tcpip' 'udp' 'visa' 'Bluetooth' 'i2c' 'spi' 'modbus'}
SupportedDrivers: {'matlab' 'ivi' 'vxipnp'}
ToolboxName: 'Instrument Control Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '4.5 (R2021b)'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
ifaces =
1×10 <a href="matlab:helpPopup cell" style="font-weight:bold">cell</a> array
{'gpib'} {'serial'} {'serialport'} {'tcpip'} {'udp'} {'visa'} {'Bluetooth'} {'i2c'} {'spi'} {'modbus'}
-------- GPIB --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
InstalledAdaptors: {'agilent' 'keysight' 'mcc' 'ni'}
JarFileVersion: 'Version 4.5'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
devinfo =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwagilentgpib.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.5'
AdaptorName: 'keysight'
InstalledBoardIds: 32
ObjectConstructorName: {'gpib('keysight', 32, 0);'}
VendorDllName: 'sicl32.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'Keysight Technologies GPIB Driver'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
Connecting using the constructor: gpib('keysight', 32, 0);
GPIB Object Using KEYSIGHT Adaptor : GPIB32-0
Communication Address
BoardIndex: 32
PrimaryAddress: 0
SecondaryAddress: 0
Communication State
Status: closed
RecordStatus: off
Read/Write State
TransferStatus: idle
BytesAvailable: 0
ValuesReceived: 0
ValuesSent: 0
devinfo =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwagilentgpib.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.5'
AdaptorName: 'keysight'
InstalledBoardIds: 32
ObjectConstructorName: {'gpib('keysight', 32, 0);'}
VendorDllName: 'sicl32.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'Keysight Technologies GPIB Driver'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
Connecting using the constructor: gpib('keysight', 32, 0);
GPIB Object Using KEYSIGHT Adaptor : GPIB32-0
Communication Address
BoardIndex: 32
PrimaryAddress: 0
SecondaryAddress: 0
Communication State
Status: closed
RecordStatus: off
Read/Write State
TransferStatus: idle
BytesAvailable: 0
ValuesReceived: 0
ValuesSent: 0
devinfo =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwmccgpib.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.5'
AdaptorName: 'mcc'
InstalledBoardIds: [1×0 double]
ObjectConstructorName: {}
VendorDllName: 'gpib488.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'Measurement Computing Corporation GPIB Driver'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
devinfo =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwnigpib.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.5'
AdaptorName: 'ni'
InstalledBoardIds: 0
ObjectConstructorName: {}
VendorDllName: 'gpib-32.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'NI-488'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
-------- SERIAL --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AvailableSerialPorts: {'COM1'}
JarFileVersion: 'Version 4.5'
ObjectConstructorName: {'serial('COM1');'}
SerialPorts: {'COM1'}
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
Connecting using the constructor: serial('COM1');
Serial Port Object : Serial-COM1
Communication Settings
Port: COM1
BaudRate: 9600
Terminator: 'LF'
Communication State
Status: closed
RecordStatus: off
Read/Write State
TransferStatus: idle
BytesAvailable: 0
ValuesReceived: 0
ValuesSent: 0
-------- SERIALPORT --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AllSerialPorts: "COM1"
AvailableSerialPorts: "COM1"
ObjectConstructorName: "serialport("COM1", 38400);"
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
Connecting using the constructor: serialport("COM1", 38400);
obj =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup internal.Serialport" style="font-weight:bold">Serialport</a> with properties:
Port: "COM1"
BaudRate: 38400
NumBytesAvailable: 0
Show all <a href="matlab:if exist('obj','var')&&isa(obj, 'internal.Serialport'), obj = obj; displayAllProperties(obj); clear obj; else, error(message('testmeaslib:CustomDisplay:InvalidObject', 'all properties')); end">properties</a>, <a href="matlab:if exist('obj','var')&&isa(obj, 'internal.Serialport'), obj = obj; methods(obj); clear obj; else, error(message('testmeaslib:CustomDisplay:InvalidObject', 'all functions')); end">functions</a>
-------- TCPIP --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
LocalHost: {2×1 cell}
JarFileVersion: 'Version 4.5'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
-------- UDP --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
LocalHost: {2×1 cell}
JarFileVersion: 'Version 4.5'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
-------- VISA --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
InstalledAdaptors: {'agilent' 'keysight' 'ni'}
JarFileVersion: 'Version 4.5'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
devinfo =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwagilentvisa.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.5'
AdaptorName: 'KEYSIGHT'
AvailableChassis: []
AvailableSerialPorts: ''
InstalledBoardIds: 0
ObjectConstructorName: {'visa('keysight', 'GPIB0::10::INSTR');'}
SerialPorts: ''
VendorDllName: 'agvisa32.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'Keysight Technologies VISA Driver'
VendorDriverVersion: 18.2000
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
Connecting using the constructor: visa('keysight', 'GPIB0::10::INSTR');
VISA-GPIB Object Using KEYSIGHT Adaptor : VISA-GPIB0-10
Communication Address
BoardIndex: 0
PrimaryAddress: 10
SecondaryAddress: 0
Communication State
Status: closed
RecordStatus: off
Read/Write State
TransferStatus: idle
BytesAvailable: 0
ValuesReceived: 0
ValuesSent: 0
devinfo =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwagilentvisa.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.5'
AdaptorName: 'KEYSIGHT'
AvailableChassis: []
AvailableSerialPorts: ''
InstalledBoardIds: 0
ObjectConstructorName: {'visa('keysight', 'GPIB0::10::INSTR');'}
SerialPorts: ''
VendorDllName: 'agvisa32.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'Keysight Technologies VISA Driver'
VendorDriverVersion: 18.2000
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
Connecting using the constructor: visa('keysight', 'GPIB0::10::INSTR');
VISA-GPIB Object Using KEYSIGHT Adaptor : VISA-GPIB0-10
Communication Address
BoardIndex: 0
PrimaryAddress: 10
SecondaryAddress: 0
Communication State
Status: closed
RecordStatus: off
Read/Write State
TransferStatus: idle
BytesAvailable: 0
ValuesReceived: 0
ValuesSent: 0
devinfo =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwnivisa.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.5'
AdaptorName: 'NI'
AvailableChassis: []
AvailableSerialPorts: {2×1 cell}
InstalledBoardIds: []
ObjectConstructorName: {2×1 cell}
SerialPorts: {2×1 cell}
VendorDllName: 'nivisa64.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'National Instruments VISA Driver'
VendorDriverVersion: 22.5000
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
Connecting using the constructor: visa('ni', 'ASRL1::INSTR');
VISA-Serial Object Using NI Adaptor : VISA-Serial-ASRL1
Communication Settings
Port: ASRL1
BaudRate: 9600
Terminator: 'LF'
Communication State
Status: closed
RecordStatus: off
Read/Write State
TransferStatus: idle
BytesAvailable: 0
ValuesReceived: 0
ValuesSent: 0
Connecting using the constructor: visa('ni', 'ASRL10::INSTR');
VISA-Serial Object Using NI Adaptor : VISA-Serial-ASRL10
Communication Settings
Port: ASRL10
BaudRate: 9600
Terminator: 'LF'
Communication State
Status: closed
RecordStatus: off
Read/Write State
TransferStatus: idle
BytesAvailable: 0
ValuesReceived: 0
ValuesSent: 0
-------- BLUETOOTH --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
RemoteNames: {4×1 cell}
RemoteIDs: {4×1 cell}
BluecoveVersion: 'BlueCove-2.1.1-SNAPSHOT'
JarFileVersion: 'Version 4.5'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
-------- I2C --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
InstalledAdaptors: {'Aardvark'}
JarFileVersion: 'Version 4.5'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
devinfo =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2021b\toolbox\instrument\instrumentadaptors\win64\mwaardvarki2c.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 4.5'
AdaptorName: 'Aardvark'
BoardIdsInUse: [1×0 double]
InstalledBoardIDs: [1×0 double]
DetectedBoardSerials: {0×1 cell}
ObjectConstructorName: 'i2c('Aardvark', BoardIndex, RemoteAddress);'
VendorDllName: 'aardvark.dll'
VendorDriverDescription: 'Total Phase I2C Driver'
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
-------- SPI --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
SupportedVendors: {'aardvark' 'ni845x'}
InstalledVendors: []
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
-------- MODBUS --------
adaptors =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
SupportedProtocols: ["serialrtu" "tcpip"]
LocalHost: ["J5040-03/" "J5040-03/fe80:0:0:0:7505:d0da:ecce:9a7c%15"]
AvailableSerialPorts: "COM1"
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
------------- INSTALLED DRIVERS -------------
drivers =
1×3 <a href="matlab:helpPopup cell" style="font-weight:bold">cell</a> array
{'matlab'} {'ivi'} {'vxipnp'}
-------- MATLAB --------
driverType =
<a href="matlab:helpPopup instrument.HardwareInfo" style="font-weight:bold">HardwareInfo</a> with properties:
InstalledDrivers: {1×10 cell}
Access to your hardware may be provided by a support package. Go to the <a href="matlab:instrument.internal.supportPackageInstaller">Support Package Installer</a> to learn more.
-------- INSTALLEDDRIVERS --------
ans =
10×1 <a href="matlab:helpPopup cell" style="font-weight:bold">cell</a> array
{'agilent_33120a' }
{'agilent_34401a' }
{'agilent_e3648a' }
{'lecroy_8600a' }
{'lecroy_lt344l_ex' }
{'tektronix_tds2024' }
{'tektronix_tds210' }
See Also
Find more on Instrument Control Toolbox Supported Hardware in Help Center and File Exchange
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