How to get_param list on subsystem blocks inport and outports

107 views (last 30 days)
Hi Guys,
I am trying how to figure out how to generate a list of a subsystems inports and outport names. This should be a list of the names that are listed on the block, not what is connected to it. I have been trying various things, and the closest I can get is to have get_param tell me how many inputs and how many output ports there are, but no signal names.
Thanks for the help.
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind on 15 Aug 2013
Do you mean the port labels on the subsystems? Are these masked subsystems (in which case the port labels are specified on the Mask) or un-masked subsystems, where the ports labels are inferred from the names of the top-level inport and outport blocks.
Michael on 16 Aug 2013
Example: I want a command that will give me "Position" "Velocity" and "Accel" (the inport names) and a command that gives me "Voltage" (the outport name). Assuming that I am using the default "Subsystem" block in simulink.

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Answers (3)

Purshottam Vishwakarma
Purshottam Vishwakarma on 6 Apr 2018
simBlockH = get_param(gcb, 'Handle');
handles = find_system(simBlockH, 'LookUnderMasks', 'on', 'FollowLinks', 'on', 'SearchDepth', 1, 'BlockType', 'Inport');
portNames = cellstr(get_param(handles, 'Name'))
  1 Comment
Dipesh007 on 21 May 2020
Hello Purshottam,
Thanks for the solution it help me.
Now how can i export these Inport from command window to xls using mscript.
Thanks in advance.

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Chetan Aswathanarayana
Chetan Aswathanarayana on 18 Aug 2013
You can try the below: Say your Model is Sample.mdl:
blks = find_system('Sample','Type','block');
N = get_param(blks, 'BlockType');
j = 1;
k = 1;
for i = 1:length(N)
if ( strcmp(N{i},'Inport'))
In{j} = blks{i};
In{j} = strrep(In{j},'Sample/Subsystem/',[]);
j = j + 1;
elseif ( strcmp(N{i}, 'Outport'))
Out{k} = blks{i};
Out{k} = strrep(Out{k},'Sample/Subsystem/',[]);
k = k + 1;
In and Out are the 2 ouput cell arrays, which gives what you are looking for:
>> In
In =
'Position' 'Velocity' 'Accel'
>> Out
Out =
vvd03 on 20 Feb 2015
Edited: vvd03 on 20 Feb 2015
Hello! How realise it for masked subsystem? I see that it work for unmasked subsystem. How to allow him to look under the mask?
vvd03 on 21 Feb 2015
Oh! Sorry! I need this command:
... = find_system(...,'LookUnderMasks','all',...)

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Chetan Aswathanarayana
Chetan Aswathanarayana on 16 Aug 2013
Hi Michael, If I understand your question correctly , you are looking to get the Input and Output Signal names.Then you can try the below:
>>model = 'Sample';
>>blks = find_system(model,'Type','block')
blks =
'Sample/Unit Delay'
>>N = get_param(blks, 'BlockType')
istblks =
The above gives the names for the list of all the blocks. And 'N' tells you which of the blocks are inports and outports.
  1 Comment
Michael on 16 Aug 2013
Example: I want a command that will give me "Position" "Velocity" and "Accel" (the inport names) and a command that gives me "Voltage" (the outport name). Assuming that I am using the default "Subsystem" block in simulink.

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