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How can I install a MATLAB Toolbox from the command line without a GUI?

33 views (last 30 days)
I need to install the Deep Learning Toolbox Model for VGG-16 Network from the command line because I don't have a GUI. Anyone can help? Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer

David Willingham
David Willingham on 7 Jun 2021
Hi Pablo,
There are 2 ways which you could get VGG-16 from the command line:
Approach1: This approach will get you the network, but not all of the support package. It won't show up as a preinstalled model in Deep Network designed, but you can load it manually:
To get the network, run this code in MATLAB:
vgg19_18a_tar_gz = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile( "nnet", "/data/vgg19_18a.tar.gz" )
vgg19_18a_tar = gunzip(vgg19_18a_tar_gz)
vgg19_18a = untar(vgg19_18a_tar{1})
load vgg19
I hope this helps,
Pablo Meseguer Esbri
Pablo Meseguer Esbri on 8 Jun 2021
The first approach worked really good for me. That was for the network VGG-19 but it also works for VGG-16 just by changing the first line of the code like this.
vgg19_18a_tar_gz = matlab.internal.examples.downloadSupportFile("nnet", "/data/vgg16_18a.tar.gz")
Later I had a minor problem because when I was trying to read the .SeriesNetwork variable, MATLAB was calling the function with the same name. So I just changed the name of the recently download net to solve this. Thank you.
Sandeep Mishra
Sandeep Mishra on 20 Jun 2022
Hi David, how to access such a central repository so that I can download any other pre-trained network? I would like to use the pre-trrained resnet50 but just replacing it in the above command didn't work.

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