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Does matlab licence include simulink?

29 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I am planing to buy the matlab licence. does this anual licence include simulink(multi-body).
Thanks in Advance.

Accepted Answer

Abhinav Gupta
Abhinav Gupta on 14 Jun 2021
Hi Subith,
You could choose different products from the 'View another product' drop down menu present on the right side of screenshot. 1800 GBP for perpetual licence is only for MATLAB and not sumulink. Once you select required product from the dropdown, you would get the updated amount.
If you want to customize and buy, you could refer to this link:
Hope this helps.
  1 Comment
Stuart Rose
Stuart Rose on 6 Jan 2023
Do not be fooled by the misleading advertising for the Home license for Matlab... Simulink online is not included unless you addon Simulink..

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