Disable arrows in uitoggletool (zoom) in GUI.

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi people,
I did some gui with some 2D intensity picture. When the GUI opens if I click in some place on the picture the cursor appears. Every pixel means some graph. I can move the cursor with arrows on the keyboard. I add zoom button to the GUI. If I make zoom on the picture and then disable the button of zoom (by clicking on it) if I try to move the cursor with the arrows (as before) it doesnt let me do it. After I zoom the picture I can control zoom also with arrows. I guess somehow it is interracting with the cursor function, i.e. after opening zoom I cannot move cursor with arrows even if zoom is disabled. However if I dont use zoom I can move the cursor with arrows without any problems. But since I used zoom I cannot move the cursor with the arrows. The question is how to enable arrows again to move the cursor after zoom function.
Thank you.
Arrows I mean arrows on the keyboard : left, right, up, down.

Accepted Answer

Dimani4 on 29 Jun 2021
I got it. It turned out very easy solution. When I push the zoom I turned OFF the datacursor and when I done with zoom I just turned ON again the datacursor. When you turned ON again in the zoomed picture the datacursor you can move it with the arrows.
This is how I turned OFF the datacursor:
function uitoggletool2_OnCallback(hObject, eventdata, handles) %zoom+
% hObject handle to uitoggletool2 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% zoom(handles.topogr_image_trace,'off');
% disableDefaultInteractivity(handles.axes1);
% imgzoompan(handles.axes1,'ImgWidth',256,'ImgHeight',256);
global cursorMode;
datacursormode off;
guidata(hObject, handles);
This is how I turn ON the datacursor:
datacursormode on;
% hDatatip=cursorMode.createDatatip(handles.raman_measur);
set(hDatatip, 'Position', pos) ;
Thank you for your generous help.

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