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system of differential equations

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Seba on 6 Jun 2011
Commented: ikhlas on 3 Nov 2023
Hello All,
I am wondering how to solve system of differential equations using simulink?
plz do help me how to make a simulink model.

Answers (7)

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer on 6 Jun 2011
you could open the vdp model as a typical second order differential equation. The way to go stays the same when you have a system: put as many integrators per row of your system as you have orders of differentiation, and feed them with the variables that make up the differential equation.

Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 6 Jun 2011
Write down the equations on paper and then implement them using the various blocks available in Simulink. A tip: it's generally better to start with the highest order derivative and integrate rather than the other way round and differentiates. Have a look at Modeling Best Practises in the Simulink documentation and also at the interactive tutorials on the MathWorks web site.

Seba on 14 Jul 2011
is it possible to find solution of this system with simulink:
x''(t)+ x'(t)+ z''(t) = 0
x(t)+ x'(t)+ z'(t) + 1 = 0
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 14 Jul 2011
That system does not have a solution. If you differentiate the second equation once more, you have:
x'' = -x' - z''
z'' = -1 - x'' - x'
If you then substitute the expression for z'' in the second equation into the first, you get:
x'' = -x' + 1 + x'' + x'
in other words, 1 = 0.
I suggest you check these equations, they're probably wrong.
ikhlas on 3 Nov 2023
how can I solve this system using Euler's method in matlab
such that u(0)=0 , v(0)=0, p(0)=0, q(0)=1?

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Seba on 15 Jul 2011
here is a system of equations. Is it possible to find solution of this system with Simulink ?
Id, Iq,Ia,Ib,w,Me are unknown functions, Ud an Uq are known functions, other are constants
  1 Comment
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 15 Jul 2011
Yes, as long there is a solution, you can represent any system of ODEs in Simulink. Start working out the higher order derivatives and use integrator blocks to work your way up. Read the documentation, e.g.:

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Seba on 19 Jul 2011
do you have any examples on how to solve equations with complex numbers in Simulink?
Seba on 21 Jul 2011
how can I solve equations with real-valued signals with simulink, do you have any documentation on that?
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 21 Jul 2011
Like I said before (read my previous answers/comments), you can represent any system of ODEs in Simulink. Start working out the higher order derivatives and use integrator blocks to work your way up. Read the documentation, e.g.:
Also work through the tutorials I suggested and look at Modelling Best Practises in the documentation.

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Seba on 21 Jul 2011
I don't understand why the first example doesn't work and second example works
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 21 Jul 2011
>> 10+10i
ans =
10 + 10i
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 22 Jul 2011
OK, fair enough.

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Seba on 25 Jul 2011
I have tried with delay block but i can't get the solution of the equation(which is -2.5-2.5*i)??
Seba on 26 Jul 2011
what is a math block? Is that a block in Simulink?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Jul 2011

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