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Animation of image

28 views (last 30 days)
John on 13 Jun 2011
Commented: Image Analyst on 2 Nov 2017
Hello, I need some help. I have a project to create animation of an image mooving by some points of two arrays X and Y. This two arrays define some curve. I can put the background image and another one on top of it. But I can't think of a way to animate it. I tried every think I could think of but nothing is satisfactory ednouth. Can some one help me. If you require some code I could provide you. Thank you in advance!

Accepted Answer

David Young
David Young on 14 Jun 2011
Here's something simple that works - though it's not elegant or efficient:
% image data
bigIm = imread('street1.jpg');
smallysize = 50;
smallxsize = 70;
smallIm = bigIm(188:188+smallysize-1, 177:177+smallxsize-1, :);
% trajectory data
trajy = 400:-5:100;
trajx = trajy;
% animated display
for step = 1:length(trajx)
displayIm = bigIm;
displayIm(trajy(step):trajy(step)+smallysize-1, ...
trajx(step):trajx(step)+smallxsize-1, :) = smallIm;
subjoy sahu
subjoy sahu on 2 Nov 2017
How to save this file. I am trying but it came as a figure..plzz help
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 Nov 2017
Call getimage() to extract the image out of the axes on the figure.

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More Answers (3)

Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 13 Jun 2011
Have a look at the Animation section of the MATLAB documentation.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 13 Jun 2011

John on 13 Jun 2011
Well, thank you. I have read this documents. But they are not what I need. I mean I can't make my object to move in the axis to create the animation and this is the problem.I have one image over a background image and I need to moove it by specific coordinates. This is what I can't do. I tried to put the top image in new axis and to move this new axis. Not any luck... Any ideas how I can move my top image over the background?
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege on 14 Jun 2011
Can you post your code?
Jonas Reber
Jonas Reber on 15 Jun 2011
yes - could you provide some code, then its much easier to help.

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