Is there some function in Matlab with which I can dilate only a small ROI in the image?

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Is there some function in Matlab with which I can dilate only a small ROI in the image?

Answers (1)

Brett Shoelson
Brett Shoelson on 7 Feb 2011
Actually, it doesn't really matter how the ROI is defined, nor what shape it is. The function roifilt2 makes it easy. Here's a code snippet that will allow you to define a freehand ROI, and then dilate the image only within the selected ROI.
img = imread('coins.png');
roi = imfreehand;
mask = roi.createMask;
func = @(x) imdilate(x,strel('disk',10));
partiallyDilated = roifilt2(img,mask,func);

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