Face recognition with new discriptors HDG and HDGG

Face recognition with new proposed discriptors HDG (Histogram of Directional Gradient) and HDGG (Histogram of Directional Gradient Generaliz
Updated 13 Nov 2023

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The potential of facial and facial expression recognitions has gained increased interest in social interactions and biometric identification. Earlier facial identification methods suffer from drawbacks due to the lower identification accuracy under difficult lighting conditions. This paper presents two novel new descriptors called Histogram of Directional Gradient (HDG) and Histogram of Directional Gradient Generalized (HDGG) to extracting discriminant facial expression features for better classification accuracy with good efficiency than existing classifiers. The proposed descriptors are based on the directional local gradients combined with SVM (Support Vector Machine) linear classification. To build an efficient face and facial expression recognition, features with reduced dimension are used to boost the performance of the classification. Experiments are conducted on two public-domain datasets: JAFFE for facial expression recognition and YALE for face recognition. The experiment results show the best overall accuracy of 92.12% compared to other existing works. It demonstrates a fast execution time for face recognition ranging from 0.4 to 0.7 s in all evaluated databases.

Cite As

Ayeche, Farid & Adel, Alti. (2021). HDG and HDGG: an extensible feature extraction descriptor for effective face and facial expressions recognition. Pattern Analysis and Applications 24. 10.1007/s10044-021-00972-2

Ayache, F., Alti, A. (2020). Performance evaluation of machine learning for recognizing human facial emotions. Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 267-275. https://doi.org/10.18280/ria.340304

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Face recognition with new proposed discriptors HDG (Histogram of Directional Gradient) and HDGG (Histogram of Directional Gradient Generaliz


Face recognition with new discriptors HDG and HDGG


Face recognition with new proposed discriptors HDG (Histogram of Directional Gradient) and HDGG (Histogram of Directional Gradient Generaliz


Face recognition with new proposed discriptors HDG (Histogram of Directional Gradient) and HDGG (Histogram of Directional Gradient Generaliz


Face recognition with new proposed discriptors HDG (Histogram of Directional Gradient) and HDGG (Histogram of Directional Gradient Generaliz


Face recognition with new proposed discriptors HDG (Histogram of Directional Gradient) and HDGG (Histogram of Directional Gradient Generaliz
