Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis

Gauss Seidel Loadflow or Powerflow Analysis Admittance Y-Bus and Impedance Z-Bus Formation
Updated 10 Apr 2008

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1. Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis.
2. Keep all 5 the files in the same directory.
3. There are some assumptions used.
a. Bus number 1 is considered as the Slack bus in loadflow. ("gaussppg.m")
b. The first row in busdata matrix, corresponds to slack bus. ("busdata6.m")

4. For computing Admittance or Impedance Matrix, just we need to run "ybusppg.m" only.

5. For computing Bus Voltage and Angles, just we need to run "gaussppg.m" only.

Cite As

Praviraj PG (2025). Gauss-Seidel Load Flow Analysis (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R14
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux

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