
Explore "Coastline Prediction Using Climate Change Models" by analyzing landmarks and world maps, curve fitting techniques and regression
Updated 29 Jul 2024

Intelligent Control Systems by Asst. Prof. Dr. Claudia F. Yaşar

This repository contains the curriculum materials used for the Intelligent Control Systems course YTU Department of Control and Automation Engineering.

This is a work done using a modified version of the work by Berke Miraç and Koray Muradoğlu

Coastline Prediction Using Climate Change Models

In this live script, we explore "Coastline Prediction Using Climate Change Models" by analyzing landmarks and world maps, creating a correlation matrix, and applying curve fitting techniques including linear and polynomial fittings, along with evaluating the results. We also utilize the Regression Learner for model prediction.


I would like to express my gratitude to the students of the Intelligent Control Systems course of the YTÜ Control and Automation Engineering department, Class 2022 and 2023, whose dedication and hard work made this project possible. I am also deeply thankful to our Control Tech LAB team, Doctors Marco Rossi, and Melda Ulusoy for their invaluable contributions.

Cite As

Claudia Fernanda Yasar (2025). Coastline-Prediction-Using-Climate-Change-Models (, GitHub. Retrieved .

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