Speed control of PMSM motor using ANN technique

This simulation is about the ANN controller for PMSM motor speed.
Updated 3 Aug 2024

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A speed control of PMSM motor is very necessary. So in this simulation a roboust ANN controller is designed for PMSM motor. In which combined ANN+PID controller is designed. In which the tuning of PID controller parameter is done with the help of ANN controller. The input data for ANN controller is the refrence speed, actual speed, and error between the refrence speed and actual speed. And target data for ANN controller is the Kp,ki and Kd for PID controllers. And at the end of the result is that the PMSM motor speed is equal to set speed with good and accurate controller parameter.

Cite As

ANIKET KANSARA (2025). Speed control of PMSM motor using ANN technique (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/170796-speed-control-of-pmsm-motor-using-ann-technique), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Compatible with R2021a to R2024b
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