Distance calculation using Haversine formula

Compute the distance between two locations using the Haversine formula
Updated 26 Aug 2014

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This program calculates the distance between two locations (latitude and longitude) using the Haversine formula. The Haversine formula gives the shortest distance between two points over the earth's surface, ignoring elevation, hills, etc...
The program accepts two inputs that can be locations specified as either degrees, minutes, and seconds or by decimal degrees. The output is the distance in km, n.mi, and miles.


haversine('53 08 50N, 001 50 58W', '52 12 16N, 000 08 26E') returns 170.2547

haversine([53.1472 -1.8494], '52 12.16N, 000 08.26E') returns 170.2508

haversine([53.1472 -1.8494], [52.2044 0.1406]) returns 170.2563

Cite As

Josiah Renfree (2025). Distance calculation using Haversine formula (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/27785-distance-calculation-using-haversine-formula), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2009b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Removed use of the deg2rad function, which required the Mapping toolbox. The conversion is now done by simply multiplying degrees by pi/180.

Clarified in the help section that the first element in LOC is latitude and the second is longitude.