Motif Finding

Illustrates Combinatorial and Viterbi-akin motif finding.
Updated 15 Nov 2010

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main executing reference usage: operationMain.m
======= Demo 1 : Combinatorial motif finding =======
[Demo a] : Sample-based motif finding
usage_MotifFinding.m % mode 1

[Demo b] : Probalisitic motif finding
usage_MotifFinding.m % mode 2

- set mode [1 for Sample-based motif finding; 2 for Probalisitic motif finding]

The objective is to illustrate Combinatorial motif finding.

* Caveat: It is recommended to use usage_MotifFinding_MemConstrainedVersion.m, as it caters for memory constraints.
For instance, k = 9, there are 262144, ie. 4^9, permutations to test. This subjects the computer to run off of memory very easily under more than a quarter of million runs.

[Demo 2] : Viterbi Probalisitic

The objective is to illustrate Viterbi Probalisitic motif finding.

[Demo 3]:
usage_MotifFinding.m % mode [1 for Sample-based motif finding; 2 for Probalisitic motif finding]
targetFile = 'outputFile_MotifLen7.txt';
% targetFile = 'outputFile_MotifLen11.txt';

- To re-generates 2 files: outputFile_MotifLen7.txt and outputFile_MotifLen11.txt
Uncomment the following lines. Note that each generation produces different data sets.
% system('run_motifGen.jar.bat');
- set mode [1 for Sample-based motif finding; 2 for Probalisitic motif finding]

* Caveat:
- As jar files are not allowed on Matlab Central, please send an email request to the author, if this is required.
- Limitations on k = 11. The permutations itself may run out of memory.

Sample exceptions:
Processing pattern motif candidate #9634
??? Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.

Error in ==> usage_sampleBasedMotifFinding at 60
hammingDistScore(j,1:numberOfHammingScoresToBeComputed, i) =
hammingDistanceOfpatternAgainst1Sequence( seqUsed,

* Caveat: The sender's email has to be a gmail account to send the results via email.
Exhaustive mode may take around > 2 hours for k = 9.

For automated results emailing, please provide the following parameters in the stated files:

senderMail = '';
password = '_______';
recipientEmails = '____@_____';

* Caveat: For educational reference only.

If the reference demo has a more elegant presentation, please do not hesitate to suggest and send feedback to author.

Thank you.

Michael Chan JT

Cite As

Michael Chan (2025). Motif Finding (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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Version Published Release Notes

Information on construct entities used in this utility, ie. reports emailing, and permutation generation.