
overlap and add functions
Updated 25 Aug 2011

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% ola - Overlap and Add
% Y = ola(X,sShift,hWindow,Dim)
% Performs the overlap and add method on the input matrix X to create the
% output array Y.
% Example
% Fs = 10000; % Sampling frequency
% t = (0:2*Fs)/Fs; % Time vector
% A = [0.25 0.5 1 0.5 0.25]; % Amplitudes
% F = [100 125 150 175 425]; % Frequencies
% x = A*sin(2*pi*F.'*t); % Signal
% Framesize = 256; % Frame size
% pOverlap = 0.4; % Precentage overlap
% sOverlap = fix(Framesize*(1-pOverlap)); % Sample overlap
% sShift = Framesize - sOverlap; % Sample shift
% hWindow = @hamming; % Windowing function
% X = buffer(x,Framesize,sOverlap,'nodelay'); % Framed signal
% nFrames = size(X,2); % Number of frames
% X = X.*repmat(hWindow(Framesize),1,nFrames); % Apply window
% % Normal overlap and add
% Y1 = ola(X,sShift,[],1); % Reconstructed signal
% % Allen & Rabiner's method
% Y2 = ola(X,sShift,@hamming,1);
% Y2 = olaar(X,sShift,@hamming,1);
% % Griffin & Lim's method
% Y3 = olagl(X,sShift,@hamming,1);
% figure
% hold all
% plot(x,'bx')
% plot(Y1,'r')
% plot(Y2,'g')
% plot(Y3,'c')
% legend('Original','ola','olaar','olagl')
% See also
% ola olaar olagl

%% Author Information
% Pierce Brady
% Smart Systems Integration Group - SSIG
% Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland.

%% Reference
% SSBoll79 function by Esfandiar Zavarehei
% FRAMES2VEC function by Kamil Wojcicki, UTD, July 2011

Cite As

Pierce Brady (2024). ola (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/32684-ola), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2009a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by: Boll Spectral Subtraction, Framing Routines

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