Generate uniform pseudo-random integers from linear range.

Version (1.47 KB) by DS
RAND_INT(R,N) returns an n-by-n matrix containing pseudo-random integer values from range R.
Updated 27 Jan 2014

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Function that uses RAND to generate random integers in the specified linear range, as follows:

result = floor(a + (b-a+1).* rand(N)),
where specified range is [a b]

Please note: There are lots of ways to do this and lots of interesting submissions on FEX which provide similar results (see below).

random numbers:

#18443 - Random Integer Generator
#5346 - MYRANDINT -- Random Integer Generation
#27942 - WWW.RANDOM.ORG random integers/sequences/strings
#27809 - Unique Random Integer List
#13007 - Random Number Generator
#21353 - True Random Integer Generator (

random arrangement:

#30189 - RANDPERMFULL (derangement)
#17981 - RANDBLOCK
#27076 - Shuffle

Cite As

DS (2024). Generate uniform pseudo-random integers from linear range. (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2007b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Version Published Release Notes

Modified code included as detailed in previous update.

Added a check for imaginary and non-integer range specifications. Thanks to Travis B for pointing out this edge-case behavior.

Fixed help format to accommodate LOOKFOR queries.

Thanks to Jan Simon for suggesting the use of numel instead of abusing the size function (see comments).