OverlayTable Make a fully formatable table displayed in a figure
Usage: [h,hbox] = OverlayTable(gcf,dataTable,left,top,width,height,varargin)
[h,hbox] = OverlayTable(gcf,dataTable)
Note: The table is composed of annotation textboxes with one per cell in
the table. Full formatting of the table including fonts, colors, symbols,
superscripts and substripts is supported. Right click on the table to
display a context menu with extensive formatting and editing tools to
modify the appearance of the table (see below).
OverlayTable requires the wonderfully useful "GUI Layout Toolbox" written
by Ben Tordoff which is available from the MATLAB File Exchange.
OverlayTable also relies on a modified version of dsxy2figxy.m which
appears as an example in the MATLAB documentation.
hfig ................... Handle of figure in which the table will be
tableData .............. Cell array of strings or scalars to appear in
the table. The dimensions of the table (cells)
will match the dimensions of cell array.
left ................... Left edge of table in normalized figure units
(0 = left edge of figure). If empty or absent
the user is prompted to select upper left
corner via the cursor.
top .................... Top edge of table (1 = top of figure)
width .................. Column widths in normalized units. If width
is a scalar then all columns have the same
width; if a vector each column has specified
width. If set to zero, empty or absent width
for each column is determined automatically.
height ................. Column height. If set to zero, empty or
absent height for each row is set
varargin ............... Arguments passed directly to to annotation.
Any valid property,value pair for a textbox
annotation object may be included in this
h ...................... Matrix of handles to text boxes (table cells).
Each entry in h is a handle of an individual
annotation textbox. Settings in the table can
be changed programatically using
set(h,prop,value) or interactively via the
context menu (see below).
hbox ................... Handle to the bounding box for the table.
Context Menu Usage
Edit ................... Edit cell contents via OverlayTableEdit
Move Table ............. Move the table on the current figure. User is
presented with cursors which should be used to
select the location of the upper left corner
of the new table location.
Table .............. Apply selected formatting operation to the
entire table.
Font Size ...... Change the table font size
Font Weight .... Change the table font weight (bold/normal)
Font Color ..... Change the table font color
Font ........... Access to all font settings
Alignment ...... Set the horizontal or vertical alignment of
the table entries.
All ............ Access to ALL table settings via the
properties editor. WARNING - you have access
here to some settings that should not be
Row ................ As above except settings are only applied to
the currently selected row .
Column ............. Settings applied to the current column
Cell ............... Settings applied only to the selected cell
Insert ................. Insert a new column/row to the left/above the
currently selected cell.
Append ................. Insert a new column/row to the right/below the
currently selected cell.
Delete ................. Delete the selected column, row, or entire
Resize Now ............. Force an update to resize the table to match
the cell contents.
Enable Auto-Size ....... If checked automatically update the table size
when settings/contents are changed. (Default
= enabled).
Cite As
jvc (2025). OverlayTable (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37688-overlaytable), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .
MATLAB Release Compatibility
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS LinuxCategories
- MATLAB > App Building > Migrate GUIDE Apps >
- MATLAB > Graphics > Graphics Objects > Graphics Object Programming >
Inspired by: GUI Layout Toolbox
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