
Bernoulli-Chung-Lu random graph model
Updated 16 Feb 2017

# BernoulliChungLu
A = BERNOULLICHUNGLU(k) generates a random graph with the given degree sequence k. The algorithm is based on the Chung-Lu graph model.

The algorithm used here follows Section 1.2 (Bernoulli Chung Lu) and Section 1.4.1 (Bernoulli Chung Lu, self-edges excluded) of the following

MLA Winlaw, M., H. DeSterck, and G. Sanders. An In-Depth Analysis of the Chung-Lu Model. No. LLNL--TR-678729. Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2015.

Version 1.1 (Dec 2016)
- Excluding self-edges is added
- Input style changed

Version 1.0 (Dec 2016)
- Initial version

Cite As

Fatih Olmez (2025). folmez/Bernoulli-Chung-Lu (, GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2016b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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Version Published Release Notes

- Excluding self-edges is added
- Input style changed

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