Powerflow (Newton Raphson)

The algorithm gets the states (V and Theta) of the electric power system and power flows
Updated 4 Aug 2021

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The algorithm uses the newton raphson method to obtain the states of the system and also the power injection and flows using the Jacobian matrix (partial derivates of V and Theta). The program has two menus, one to choose the power system to analyze, and another one to show the solutions.
if you are facing any trouble you can contact me by email.
my email is: orramirezba@ittepic.edu.mx
Orlando Ramírez Barrón
MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2017a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

This new version includes more test cases and solve and issue with a for cycle of the previous version was solve, additionally this version provides more visualization options.

The new version includes more test cases and assumes that the swing bus is bus # 1.