
An alternative to MATLAB's vrjoystick
Updated 20 Jan 2023

HebiJoystick is a joystick input library for MATLAB that serves as a drop-in replacement for vrjoystick. It is intended for people who don't have access to the 3D Animation toolbox.
All function names, axis/button mappings, and error messages (english) should match vrjoystick. We tested the library on Windows, Linux, and OSX on MATLAB 2015b, 2016a, and 2016b. However, it should run on any version >= 2013b.
It makes use of a Java library (JInput) and does not support Simulink code generation.

Readme: https://github.com/HebiRobotics/HebiJoystick
Download: https://github.com/HebiRobotics/HebiJoystick/releases

Cite As

Florian Enner (2024). HebiRobotics/HebiJoystick (https://github.com/HebiRobotics/MatlabInput), GitHub. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2013b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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