xpc_openwwwinterface is a function which automatically will open the WWW-Interface.
Updated 30 Nov 2004

No License

>> xpc_openwwwinterface does scan the actual communication settings, TCP/IP or COM between the Host and the Target and will bring up the Windows Internet Explorer or installed Browser to view the WWW-Interface which is part of every xPC Target Application downloaded on a Target PC.
This easy to use WWW-Interface allow to start, stop, see a screenshot of the Target Screen and to save logged data.

This script allow the User testing a xPC Application to use the WWW-Interface in a quick and easy way.

This xPC Target Application is part of a collection of "quick access tools" serie. Search in MATLAB central for QUICK ACCESS TOOLS to view other usefull GUI's in conjunction to xPC Target. Like, newxpc, xpc_addblocks, etc.

Enjoy and ThX for your Feedback!

Cite As

Frank González-Morphy (2025). XPC_OPENWWWINTERFACE (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/6413-xpc_openwwwinterface), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R12
Compatible with any release to R2013b
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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