Plot with multiple Y-axes

Version (9.61 KB) by Tom R
Plotting function that allows for N y-axes using a common x axis
Updated 11 Aug 2019

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This function allows for results to be plotted on N separate y-axes. These y-axes share a common x axis, but do not need to share exactly the same x/y data or size. The function supports all utilities on the Figure toolbar, including the data tip, zoom/pan, and data brush. The plot scales upon resize of the figure, maximizing the utilization of the figure's space. The function supports many of the native property commands and syntax for 'plot' such as 'LineStyle','MarkerStyle',etc.. Additionally, saving and loading as .fig is supported, as well as all other MATLAB supported image types.

Cite As

Tom R (2024). Plot with multiple Y-axes (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2013b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired: plotNAx

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Version Published Release Notes

Corrected legend location 'outside' functionality and demonstrated changed axis color in example script

Included a sample script to demonstrate possible ways to call the function.