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Version 2019.05.07 (5.1 MB) by
Felipe G. Nievinski
A GNSS multipath simulator in Matlab/Octave
Share 'mpsim'
A GNSS multipath simulator for near-surface reflectometry and positioning applications
Cite As
Nievinski, F.G. and Larson, K.M. (2014) "Forward modeling of GPS multipath for near- surface reflectometry and positioning applications", GPS Solut., 18(2):309-322. <> Nievinski, F.G. and Larson, K.M. (2014) "An open source GPS multipath simulator in Matlab/Octave", GPS Solut., 18(3):473-481. <>
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Create scripts with code, output, and formatted text in a single executable document.
- blockdiag
- cell
- chol
- ctranspose
- diag
- display
- full
- horzcat
- inv
- isdiag
- isempty
- minus
- mldivide
- mtimes
- nnz
- norm
- order
- plus
- power
- rcond
- scalar
- size
- sizes
- sparse
- subsasgn
- subsref
- sum
- times
- transpose
- tricond
- trifactor
- triinv
- tril
- trisolve
- triu
- uminus
- unblockdiag
- add_all
- cross_all
- cross_local
- difffwd_all
- diff_all
- divide_all
- dot_all
- gradient_all
- minus_all
- multiply_all
- normalize_all
- norm_all
- plus_all
- rmse_all
- subtract_all
- times_all
- bsxfun
- ctranspose
- defrontal
- defrontal_pt
- diag
- display
- frontal
- horzcat
- inv
- inv_2by2_symm
- inv_3by3
- isreal
- mean_vec_wei
- minus
- mrdivide
- mtimes
- plus
- power
- rdivide
- reshape
- size
- sqrt
- subsasgn
- subsref
- sum
- times
- transpose
- uminus
- uplus
- vertcat
- cov2std
- defrontal
- defrontal_flat
- defrontal_flat2
- defrontal_pt
- frontalfun
- frontal_blkdiag
- frontal_cov2std
- frontal_deflatten
- frontal_deflatten_cov
- frontal_diag
- frontal_eig
- frontal_eigs
- frontal_eye
- frontal_flatten
- frontal_func
- frontal_inv
- frontal_inv_2by2_symm
- frontal_inv_3by3
- frontal_jacob2var
- frontal_jacob2var_pt
- frontal_mean_vec_wei
- frontal_minus
- frontal_mtimes
- frontal_mtimes2
- frontal_mtimes2_pt
- frontal_mtimes_pt
- frontal_mtimes_pt_rev
- frontal_plus
- frontal_propagate_cov
- frontal_pt
- frontal_rdivide
- frontal_reshape
- frontal_times
- frontal_transpose
- frontal_variance
- isfrontal
- propagate_cov
- and
- bk
- cast
- chol
- class
- ctranspose
- diag
- display
- double
- end
- eq
- exp
- find
- full
- isa
- isempty
- isequal
- isequalwithequalnans
- isnan
- isreal
- issym
- istril
- istriu
- le
- length
- logical
- lt
- minus
- mldivide
- mtimes.m
- nnz
- norm
- numel
- order
- packed
- plus
- power
- rcond
- single
- size
- sparse
- sqrt
- subsasgn
- subsref
- times
- transpose
- tricond_gen
- tricond_pos
- tricond_sym
- tricond_tri
- trifactor_gen
- trifactor_pos
- trifactor_sym
- trifull
- triinv_gen
- triinv_pos
- triinv_sym
- triinv_tri
- trisolve_gen
- trisolve_pos
- trisolve_sym
- trisolve_tri
- triu
- tri_uplow
- uminus
- check_op
- check_subs
- check_trisolve
- do_op
- get_full_len_by_pkd_len
- get_ind_pkd
- isequal2
- islow
- issym_type
- istri_type
- isup
- test_trilin.m
- tricond
- tricond_diag
- tricond_gen
- tricond_pos
- tricond_sym
- tricond_tri
- trifactor
- trifactor_diag
- trifactor_gen
- trifactor_pos
- trifactor_sym
- trifactor_tri
- triinv
- triinv_diag
- triinv_gen
- triinv_pos
- triinv_sym
- triinv_tri
- trisolve
- trisolve_diag
- trisolve_gen
- trisolve_pos
- trisolve_sym
- trisolve_tri
- tri_uplow
- full_check_out
- full_tricond_check_in
- full_tricond_gen
- full_tricond_pos
- full_tricond_sym
- full_tricond_tri
- full_trifactor_check_in
- full_trifactor_check_out
- full_trifactor_gen
- full_trifactor_pos
- full_trifactor_sym
- full_triinv_check_in
- full_triinv_check_out
- full_triinv_gen
- full_triinv_pos
- full_triinv_sym
- full_triinv_tri
- full_trisolve_check_in
- full_trisolve_gen
- full_trisolve_pos
- full_trisolve_sym
- full_trisolve_tri
- sparse_tricond_gen
- sparse_tricond_sym
- sparse_tricond_tri
- sparse_tricond_tri
- sparse_trifactor_gen
- sparse_trifactor_pos
- sparse_trifactor_sym
- sparse_triinv_gen
- sparse_triinv_pos
- sparse_triinv_sym
- sparse_triinv_tri
- sparse_trisolve_gen
- sparse_trisolve_pos
- sparse_trisolve_sym
- sparse_trisolve_tri
- chol2
- full_trisolve_gen_aux
- isblank
- isdiag
- issquare
- issym
- istril
- istriu
- rcond2
- rcond_inv
- rcond_inv2
- test_blank_diag_tri_sym
- trifull
- triuplow
- tri_mldivide
- tri_rcond
- curly
- dowhile
- forloop
- functional_programming_bonus.m
- iif
- iiff
- last
- loop
- map
- mapc
- output
- paren
- recur
- tern
- use
- void
- wrap
- authoptions
- Contents.m
- deg2rad
- devenv
- dms2dd
- edit_all
- ge_axes
- ge_barbdaes
- ge_box
- ge_circle
- ge_color
- ge_colorbar
- ge_contour
- ge_contour
- ge_contourf
- ge_contourf_old
- ge_cylinder
- ge_folder
- ge_gplot
- ge_grid
- ge_groundoverlay
- ge_imagesc
- ge_imagesc_old
- ge_kml
- ge_kmz
- ge_makekmz
- ge_output
- ge_overlay
- ge_plot
- ge_plot3
- ge_point
- ge_point_new
- ge_poly
- ge_poly3
- ge_polyplace
- ge_quiver3
- ge_region
- ge_root
- ge_scatter
- ge_surf
- ge_windbarb
- ge_writecollada
- googleearth
- googleearthroot
- indexed2hexcolor
- old_ge_barbdaes
- open_content_html
- open_demo
- open_print_doc
- parsepairs.m
- rad2deg
- uimatlab
- uioctave
- url_from_folder
- addOptional.m
- addParamValue.m
- addRequired.m
- addSwitch.m
- createCopy.m
- display.m
- inputParser1.m
- parse.m
- reclass
- subsasgn.m
- subsref.m
- addOptional
- addParamValue
- addRequired
- createCopy
- display
- dispose
- inputParser2
- isa
- isempty
- parse
- struct
- subsasgn
- subsref
- Contents.m
- convert_any
- convert_direction_from_cartesian
- convert_direction_to_cartesian
- convert_from_any
- convert_from_cartesian
- convert_from_ellipsoidal_harmonic
- convert_from_geodetic
- convert_from_geodm
- convert_from_geopot_height
- convert_from_geopot_height_abs
- convert_from_geopot_height_rel
- convert_from_keplerian
- convert_from_local_cart
- convert_from_local_cart_viageod
- convert_from_local_sph
- convert_from_spherical
- convert_to_any
- convert_to_cartesian
- convert_to_ellipsoidal_harmonic
- convert_to_geodetic
- convert_to_geodm
- convert_to_geopot_height
- convert_to_geopot_height_abs
- convert_to_geopot_height_rel
- convert_to_keplerian
- convert_to_latm
- convert_to_local_cart
- convert_to_local_cart_viageod
- convert_to_local_sph
- convert_to_spherical
- get_ellipsoid
- get_ellipsoid_complete
- get_ellipsoid_normal
- get_geoidal_undulation
- get_geopot
- get_geopot_actual
- get_geopot_normal
- get_geopot_normal_exact
- get_geopot_normal_series
- get_geopot_normal_trunc
- get_geopot_rel
- get_geopot_sph
- get_jacobian_any2cart
- get_jacobian_any2geod
- get_jacobian_cart2any
- get_jacobian_cart2geod
- get_jacobian_cart2geodm
- get_jacobian_cart2local
- get_jacobian_cart2local_viageod
- get_jacobian_geod2cart
- get_jacobian_geod2geodm
- get_jacobian_geod2local
- get_jacobian_geod2local_viageod
- get_jacobian_geodm2cart
- get_jacobian_geodm2geod
- get_jacobian_local2any
- get_jacobian_local2cart
- get_jacobian_local2cart_viageod
- get_jacobian_local2geod
- get_jacobian_local2geod_viageod
- get_loxodrome_sph
- get_meridian_arclen
- get_radius_eulerian
- get_radius_gaussian
- get_radius_mean
- get_radius_meridional
- get_radius_normal
- get_sphere_normal
- get_sphere_osculating
- rand_pos_geod
- setup_geoid
- setup_geopot
- test_geod.m
- compute_meridian_radius
- compute_prime_vertical_radius
- convert_from_geopot_height1
- convert_from_geopot_height2
- convert_from_geopot_height3
- convert_from_local
- convert_from_local_cart2
- convert_to_cartesian_from_spherical
- convert_to_geopot_height1
- convert_to_geopot_height2
- convert_to_geopot_height3
- convert_to_local
- convert_to_local_cart2
- convert_to_local_sph2
- get_diff_metric
- get_diff_metric_remote
- get_ellipsoid_fake
- get_ellipsoid_grs80
- get_ellipsoid_int24
- get_ellipsoid_int67
- get_ellipsoid_wgs84
- get_geopot_diff
- get_geopot_height
- get_loxodrome
- get_meridian_arc_length
- get_osculating_sphere
- inv_diff_metric
- mean_azimuth
- rand_pt_geod
- read_geopot_coeff
- setup_geoid_old
- get_gnss_code_sizes
- get_gnss_constant
- get_gnss_freq2gnss
- get_gnss_frequency
- get_gnss_polar_ellipticity
- get_gnss_power_min
- get_gnss_power_trend_data
- get_gnss_wavelength
- get_glo_code_sizes
- get_glo_constant
- get_glo_polar_ellipticity
- get_glo_power_min
- get_glo_power_trend_data
- get_glo_synonym
- get_gps_code_sizes
- get_gps_constant
- get_gps_polar_ellipticity
- get_gps_power_min
- get_gps_power_trend_data
- get_gps_synonym
- get_gps_const
- get_gps_freq
- get_gps_frequency
- get_gps_power_incident
- get_gps_wavelen
- get_gps_wavelength
- get_gps_wavelengths
- read_orbit
- read_orbit_file
- Contents.m
- mydatebod
- mydatebom
- mydatebow
- mydateday
- mydatedayi
- mydatedoy
- mydatedoyi
- mydatedoyw
- mydatedoywi
- mydategpsw
- mydategpswi
- mydatehod
- mydatehodi
- mydatehour
- mydatehouri
- mydatejd
- mydatejdi
- mydatemat
- mydatemin
- mydatemini
- mydatemjd
- mydatemjdi
- mydatemoyn
- mydatenum
- mydatenumi
- mydatesec
- mydateseci
- mydatesod
- mydatesodi
- mydatesow
- mydatesowi
- mydatestd
- mydatestdi
- mydatestr
- mydatestri
- mydatetoy
- mydatetoyi
- mydatevec
- mydateveci
- mydateyear
- mydateyearabs
- mydateyearabsi
- mydateyeardec
- mydateyeardeci
- mydateyeari
- mydateyearn
- mydate_lim2list
- test_mydate.m
- convert_to_doy
- mydatedoy_inv
- mydategps
- mydategpsi
- mydatehelp
- mydatejd_inv
- mydatemjd_inv
- mydatesod_inv
- mydatesow_aux
- mydatesow_inv
- mydatestd_inv
- mydatestr_inv
- mydatebase
- mydatebasescale
- mydatedoywi_aux
- mydatedoyw_aux
- mydatedoy_aux
- mydategpsw_aux
- mydatesod_aux
- mydatestd_aux
- arrow3
- arrow3d
- boundedline
- bwr
- cbfreeze
- cbhandle
- cdfplot2
- clearxticklabel
- cline
- clinep
- colorit
- colorlim
- colormap_bwr
- colormap_bwr_it
- colormap_reddish
- colormbl
- complex2rgb
- datetickzoom
- distinguishable_colors
- dkbluered
- dline
- dline0
- dline0
- dsxy2figxy
- ellipse
- ellipse
- eqcheck
- errorband
- errorband2
- errorbar_tick
- ezimplot3
- fig
- figure_round
- fixfig
- format_ticks.m
- fpk
- freezeColors
- get_marker
- gridline
- hline
- hvline
- imagescsin
- legendTitle
- logspace2
- logzplot
- lplot
- maximize
- mtit
- myplabel
- mypp
- mysaveas
- mysaveas_disable
- mysaveas_enable
- mysaveas_reset
- mysurf
- my_xticklabels
- nanscatter
- ntitle
- pcolorsin
- plotboxpos
- plotcon
- plotnan
- plotsin
- plotsinaux
- plotsinaux2
- plotsininv
- pp
- pplocal
- quiver3b
- quiverb
- quiverc
- quiverc2wcmap
- quivers
- save2pdf
- selectdata
- semilogyimagescsin
- set_default_font_size
- set_markers
- set_paper_tight
- set_tick_label_asind
- set_tick_label_asind2
- set_xtick_label_asind
- set_xtick_label_asind2
- set_ytick_label_asind
- set_ytick_label_asind2
- sexy
- skyplot
- subplot_tight
- subtightplot
- subtightplot_demo.m
- suplabel
- tan_plane
- textbp
- tight_subplot
- time_axis
- tlabel
- trimyticklabel
- tubeplot
- uistack2
- unfreezeColors
- varycolor
- vline
- xlimsin
- xlimsininv
- antenna_gain_plot
- antenna_gain_plot2
- antenna_gain_plot3
- antenna_gain_plot4
- antenna_gain_plot5
- antenna_gain_plot6
- get_antenna_pattern
- get_antenna_pattern_fnc
- snr_ant_plot
- snr_setup_ant_comp
- snr_setup_ant_densemap_eval
- snr_setup_ant_densemap_load
- snr_setup_ant_filename
- snr_setup_ant_gain
- snr_setup_ant_offset
- snr_setup_ant_offset_eval
- snr_setup_ant_offset_load
- snr_setup_ant_path
- snr_setup_ant_pattern
- snr_setup_ant_phase
- snr_setup_ant_preload
- snr_setup_ant_profile_eval
- snr_setup_ant_profile_load
- snr_setup_ant_sphharm_eval
- snr_setup_ant_sphharm_load
- snr_setup_ant_synonym
- antenna_gain_densemap_interp
- antenna_gain_densemap_setup
- antenna_gain_profile_interp
- antenna_gain_profile_setup
- antenna_gain_sphharm_interp
- antenna_gain_sphharm_setup
- get_antenna_gain
- snr_setup_ant_gain_preload
- snr_bias_chirp_eval
- snr_bias_fit
- snr_bias_fit_fringe
- snr_bias_fit_sinusoid
- snr_bias_fit_trend
- snr_bias_height_eval
- snr_bias_indep
- snr_bias_indep_aux
- snr_bias_phase_eval
- snr_bias_poly_eval
- snr_bias_power_default
- snr_bias_power_eval
- snr_bias_settings
- snr_fwd_bias.m
- snr_fwd_bias_fit
- snr_fwd_bias_fixed
- snr_fwd_bias_fringe
- snr_fwd_bias_trend
- convert_dir_local2sfc_grazing
- get_occlusion
- get_opt_default
- get_reflection_coeff_circ.m
- get_reflection_coeff_homogeneous
- get_reflection_coeff_linear
- get_reflection_coeff_linear2circ
- get_roughness
- snr_fwd
- snr_fwd_antenna
- snr_fwd_combine
- snr_fwd_delay
- snr_fwd_direct
- snr_fwd_direction_local2
- snr_fwd_direction_local2ant
- snr_fwd_direction_local2sfc_grazing
- snr_fwd_direct_and_reflected.m
- snr_fwd_fresnelcoeff
- snr_fwd_fringe_aux
- snr_fwd_fringe_dev
- snr_fwd_fringe_vis
- snr_fwd_geometry
- snr_fwd_geometry_approx_eval
- snr_fwd_incident
- snr_fwd_incident_power
- snr_fwd_incident_power_init
- snr_fwd_incident_power_trend
- snr_fwd_occlusion
- snr_fwd_plot_error
- snr_fwd_plot_error2
- snr_fwd_plot_snr
- snr_fwd_reflected
- snr_fwd_roughness
- snr_fwd_signal2snr
- snr_fwd_tracking_loss
- get_reflection_coeff
- permittivity_soil_eval
- snr_fwd_fringe_visib
- snr_fwd_run
- snr_fwd_run_go
- snr_fwd_settings
- snr_run
- get_divergence
- snr_fwd_direction_local2sfc_dem
- snr_fwd_divergence_dem
- snr_fwd_geometry_delay_grad
- snr_fwd_geometry_delay_hess
- snr_fwd_geometry_delay_hess_aux
- snr_fwd_geometry_delay_self.m
- snr_fwd_geometry_delay_self_incid
- snr_fwd_geometry_delay_self_scatt
- snr_fwd_geometry_height_grad
- snr_fwd_geometry_height_hess
- snr_fwd_geometry_height_self
- snr_fwd_geometry_reflection_dem
- snr_fwd_geometry_sfc_height_dem
- snr_fwd_visibility_dem
- snr_setup_sfc_geometry_dem
- snr_fwd_direction_local2sfc_horiz
- snr_fwd_divergence_horiz
- snr_fwd_geometry_reflection_horiz_doppler
- snr_fwd_geometry_sfc_height_horiz
- snr_fwd_visibility_horiz
- snr_setup_sfc_geometry_horiz
- snr_fwd_direction_local2sfc_tilted
- snr_fwd_divergence_tilted
- snr_fwd_geometry_reflection_tilted.m
- snr_fwd_geometry_reflection_tilted_simple
- snr_fwd_geometry_sfc_height_tilted
- snr_fwd_visibility_tilted
- snr_setup_sfc_geometry_tilted
- get_reflection_coeff_layered.m
- get_reflection_coeff_slab
- multidiel1
- mymultidiel
- my_refl_mlm
- my_refl_mlm2
- refl_mlm
- refl_mlm2
- snr_setup_sfc_material_interpolated
- snr_setup_sfc_material_layered
- snr_setup_sfc_material_parametric
- snr_setup_sfc_material_slab
- snr_setup_sfc_material_stacked
- sqrte
- collect_pos_specular
- do_po.m
- fresnel2factor
- get_patches_filled
- get_patches_id
- plotpo
- plotpo3d
- plotpofzs
- plotporcs
- plotposnrf
- plotposnrr
- plotposp
- plotpospr
- plotpovec
- plotpovse
- plotpoz
- snr_po
- snr_po1
- snr_po_accum
- snr_po_coh
- snr_po_cross_coherence
- snr_po_cumul
- snr_po_delay
- snr_po_delay_grad
- snr_po_dpdh
- snr_po_filter
- snr_po_fwd
- snr_po_mapform
- snr_po_mapforminv
- snr_po_pre
- snr_po_radial
- snr_po_taper_psf
- snr_po_waveform
- snr_po_waveform_plot
- calc_diffraction2
- calc_diffraction_aux
- calc_diffraction_series
- calc_diffraction_series2
- calc_diffraction_spm
- getMpSnrSim
- plotpo2
- snr_fwd_run_po
- snr_fwd_run_po1
- snr_fwd_run_po_dpdh
- snr_fwd_run_po_spm
- snr_po_run
- snr_po_run1
- cell_snr_resetup_check
- snr_deprecated
- snr_resetup
- snr_resetup_check
- snr_settings
- snr_setup
- snr_setup_ant
- snr_setup_bias
- snr_setup_opt
- snr_setup_origin
- snr_setup_origin1
- snr_setup_origin2
- snr_setup_rec
- snr_setup_sat
- snr_setup_sat_default
- snr_setup_sat_simple
- snr_setup_sfc
- snr_setup_sfcs
- snr_setup_sfc_geometry
- snr_setup_sfc_material
- snr_setup_sfc_material_halfspaces
- snr_setup_sfc_origin
- snr_setup_signal_name
- snr_setup_tracking_loss
- arm2char
- cell_snr_fwd
- cell_snr_fwd_fringe_dev
- cell_snr_fwd_fringe_vis
- cell_snr_resetup
- cell_snr_setup
- convert_conductivity_to_pemittivity
- convert_pemittivity_to_conductivity
- convert_polar_ellipticity_alphadb2beta
- convert_polar_ellipticity_beta2alphadb
- delay2fresnel
- export_reflection_to_googleearth
- export_reflection_to_googleearth_new
- fresnel2delay
- get_fresnel_zone
- get_fresnel_zone_dim
- get_fresnel_zone_horiz
- get_fresnel_zone_input
- get_fresnel_zone_tilted
- get_fringe_aux
- get_fringe_dev
- get_fringe_vis
- get_height_compositional
- get_height_from_delay
- get_height_from_phase
- get_iso_elev
- get_multipath_modulation
- get_multipath_modulation2
- get_multipath_modulation3
- get_multipath_modulation_aux
- get_permittivity
- get_phase
- get_phase_compositional
- get_phase_convention
- get_phase_inv
- get_power
- get_reflection_delay
- get_reflection_point
- get_specular_circles
- jvec_init
- mydatedoywi_aux2
- permittivity_complex2magnphase
- permittivity_complex2realimag
- permittivity_complex2realimagdiff
- permittivity_magnphase2complex
- permittivity_realdiff
- permittivity_realimag2complex
- permittivity_realimagdiff2complex
- permittivity_soil_plot
- permittivity_soil_setup
- phasor_init
- rinex2aziele
- semilogysin
- snr_decimate
- snr_decimate_indep
- snr_plot3
- snr_plot4
- snr_plot4_all
- mplsqfourier
- mplsqfourier2
- mplsqfourier_fixedrh
- mplsqfourier_height
- mplsqfourier_jacob_peak
- mplsqfourier_multiple
- mplsqfourier_refine
- mplsqfourier_refine_aux
- mplsqfourier_uncertainty
- mplsqfourier_uncertainty_aux
- anynan
- any_obj_in_base
- argmax
- argmin
- argminabs
- argsort
- argsortrows
- atan2d
- cap
- capitalize
- cellstrline
- char2double
- char2doublesum
- colvec
- conv2fft
- deal2
- dealc
- deal_out2vec
- deal_vec2arg
- deal_vec2out
- decibel_amplitude
- decibel_amplitude_inv
- decibel_magnitude
- decibel_magnitude_inv
- decibel_phasor
- decibel_power
- decibel_power_inv
- decibel_rootpower
- decibel_rootpower_inv
- delay2phase
- delete_empty_file
- diff2half
- diffbwd
- difffwd
- diff_func
- diff_func2
- diff_func_fwd
- diff_func_obs
- diff_func_param
- dsyr
- easyhist2
- emptynan
- eval_for_nonzeros
- eval_sinusoid
- extrap1nn
- fevalc
- filenamei
- fileparts2
- filter2fft
- finddim
- fopen_error
- fspecial3
- fzerod
- geotiffinfobb
- getnonnan
- get_border_ind
- get_elev_regular_in_sine
- get_local_bounds
- get_sinusoid
- get_standard_constant
- gridspace
- grow_index_neighbor
- heaviside
- hist2
- hist2f
- imcrop2
- imcropnanborder
- interleave
- interleave3
- interleave_slow
- invargsort
- invsort
- inv_2by2_symm
- inv_3by3
- inv_func
- inv_func2
- iscolvec
- iseven
- isodd
- isrealval
- is_contiguous
- is_contiguous_vector
- is_error_undefined_function
- is_in_parallel
- is_in_period
- is_mfile
- is_multiple
- is_octave
- is_regularly_spaced
- is_uniform
- is_unique
- itself
- linspaceout
- loadscan
- loadvar
- makeitsymm
- mfunctionname
- mimtransform
- mkdir_error
- mtimes_diag
- myflip
- mysub2ind
- myVerLessThan
- nanempty
- nannonfinite
- nannumel
- nanunique
- nanzero
- nargchk2
- nargoutchk2
- none
- numelnanprc
- numnan
- numnonnan
- order
- ordnumstr
- phase2delay
- randind
- randint
- randomize
- randroundunique
- randsym
- rmfields
- roundn
- rowvec
- savevar
- sdim
- setel
- setel2
- setel_ifnumeric
- spdiag
- split_series
- spzerocol
- sqrtmsym
- sub2ind2
- sumnonnan
- textscanline
- touch
- tubevec
- unique2
- unique2b
- uniquem
- unique_eps
- unique_tol
- unique_tol2
- unzip_if_needed
- whicheye
- wrap_ind
- write_to_temp_file
- ylim_expand
- zeronan
- zerononfinite
- zunzip
- zzip
- angle_boresight_positive
- angle_diff
- angle_mean
- angle_median
- angle_nanpolyfitval
- angle_range
- angle_range_negative_positive
- angle_range_positive
- angle_unique
- azimuth_aux
- azimuth_auxi
- azimuth_cov_cart2polar
- azimuth_diff
- azimuth_interp
- azimuth_interp2
- azimuth_interp3
- azimuth_in_interval
- azimuth_mean
- azimuth_mean2
- azimuth_median
- azimuth_nanpolyfitval
- azimuth_quadrant
- azimuth_range
- azimuth_range_negative_positive
- azimuth_range_positive
- azimuth_stat
- azimuth_unique