Plot 3D antenna radiation patterns

Version 1.0.0 (7.21 KB) by Ruyu Ma
These handy functions are good for plotting colorful antenna radiation patterns with mesh grid. Many features can be manually controlled.
Updated 27 Jun 2019

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The plotted 3D radiation patterns follow the conventions in the antenna society. The pattern is a polar plot with larger gain further away from the origin and in red color, and the smaller gain closer to the origin and in red color. A mesh grid is also shown, which has a pre-selected density independent of the density of data point. Many features of the pattern can be manually controlled, including the number of color shade, the lowest visible gain, size of the canvas, and so on. Besides, a color bar showing the range and scale of the plotting is plotted automatically on side. The demo.m script gives an example of using the functions.

Cite As

Ruyu Ma (2024). Plot 3D antenna radiation patterns (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

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