Printing figure alters content details
couldn't find a professional solution for this, but here is a ugly one by including the colormap as pixel values. imwrite should...

2 years ago | 0

using multiple else if
the reason the variables are not recognized is, that the depending on your if clause, another variable is created (the created v...

2 years ago | 0

Warning: Unable to play audio because no audio outputs were found.
anything new on this topic? can't make matlab to play sounds again, there are audio devices available, resetting/rehashing has n...

2 years ago | 0

how to return cell array with varargout?
if i understand you cirrectly, you want as dynamic output variable varargout, and each of the given should/can be a cell itself ...

2 years ago | 0

How to make an image appear in different locations
you can try this raw code, how often the image can change the position is defined in the function close all; clear all; im=im...

2 years ago | 0

How to extend sendmail wrapping
type edit sendmail and look into function toSend = formatText(msgText) there you can find the line maxLineLength = 75; wh...

2 years ago | 1

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Default interactions during buttondownfcn for geoaxes ???
yes, the defaultInteraction is disabled when you set a window function like the buttondwnfcn. However, it is reenabled if the ca...

2 years ago | 0

Operator '-' is not supported for operands of type 'table'
try e.g. (Quat{i}{2:end,:} - Quat{i}{1:end-1,:})./(Time{i}{2:end}-Time{i}{1:end-1})'; instead of (Quat{i}(2:end,:) - Quat{i}(...

2 years ago | 0

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create a sparse multidimensional matrix
you can try this: myData=[1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12]; % get sizes dataChunkLength=size(myData,...

2 years ago | 0

My code is keep plotting the wrong data
may the scatter3() command is suffiecient to visualize your data, you interpolate (e.g. interp3) your XYZ data to generate more ...

2 years ago | 0

Step-by-step calculation of rectangular window
or you use the movsum function fs=10000; t=0:1/fs:3; tau=0.25; tauInSamp=tau*fs; spikeTimes= randi(numel(t),10,1); % generat...

2 years ago | 0

Step-by-step calculation of rectangular window
i suggest you just add the rectangular window at the specified times given by the spices and the spice amplitude: fs=10000; t=...

2 years ago | 0

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how to concatenate two tables efficiently
before concatenation you can go trough all tables and add up the number of rows. Then preallocate the table using three columns ...

2 years ago | 0

let a script run in other script with variable parameters
it really sounds like you actally should change your script to a fcuntion. Running a script giving paramters to it is exactly wh...

2 years ago | 1

How to print value from Structure in MATLAB
you can access the 4 doubles in the cell StagPRFValue by e.g. CombineOutput(1).ValueStructure.StagPRFValue{1} the other two ...

2 years ago | 0

Interpolating points in a 3D space with one line
have a look into the polyfitn() function on FEX

2 years ago | 1

Call a function within an if statement
try randomtasks(n)==1 i guess without the (n) you would compare a vector to a value e.g. [1 3 2]==1 which is not true and th...

2 years ago | 0

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need help for understanding audio compression code using dct
it shows, how a sound could sound if you transmit only 128 dct values per block instead of 512 sound values per block % read au...

2 years ago | 0

How to plot the average wavelet magnitude over range of frequencies
why not use the output of the cwt function? you can average it yourself: load mtlb t=(0:numel(mtlb)-1)/Fs; [wt,f,coi]=cwt(m...

2 years ago | 0

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Find the width of a peak
do you just want to measure the peak width of this data set only? if yes, i should be telatively easy locating the peak with min...

2 years ago | 0

Resampling vector to have homogeneous length between trials
you can use the interp1() function to produce an equal number of samples per jump

2 years ago | 0

how to clean data by deleting [0 0]
use rowsToDelete=~any(AB,2); or rowsToDelete=all(~AB,2); AB(rowsToDelete,:)=[]; or rowsToKeep=any(AB,2); AB=AB(rowsToKeep...

2 years ago | 0

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Finding the max value in 1st column of values based on a range in the 2nd column of values
max(yourMat( yourMat(:,2)>0.09 && yourMat(:,2)<0.11 ,1)) for the first range and so on?

2 years ago | 0

Find rising and falling point
you can identify those points using a threshold for the differential signal, something like find( abs(diff(x)) > someThreshol...

2 years ago | 1

How can I get the mean data from under the graphs?
what about a general threshold like 10 here? mean(all_data(all_data>10))

2 years ago | 0

How can I study Autocorrelation function of common inputs?
you can simply generate your own vectors in matlab and do some studying e.g. rectPulse = [zeros(1,10) ones(1,15) zeros(1,10)];...

2 years ago | 1


MRAW reader GUI with image enhacement and sub pixel tracking
Loads Photron mraw files, allows fluent preview, image-wise spectral filtering, binomial filtering and temporal median filtering...

2 years ago | 1 download |


I need to change a graphic without using unwrap
you can unwrap manually. if you have data x and y myWrapThr=-150; dy=diff(y); dy(dy<myWrapThr)=dy(dy<myWrapT...

2 years ago | 0

define color range in scatter plot
i do not fully understand, you want to use the pallett for split to 0 to 3000, but at a certain threshold you want to use black ...

2 years ago | 0

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Fourier Transform of Seismic Waves
subtract the mean before fft to improve visibility of frequencies or use dB view by calculating 20*log10(P1) explanation: the...

2 years ago | 1

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