Find rising and falling point

36 views (last 30 days)
Mirko Tomic
Mirko Tomic on 30 Jun 2022
Edited: Kevin Holly on 30 Jun 2022
Hi, i need to extract the value with time stamp of the 2 red points from a vector.
Does anyone know an idea or approach for this kind of problem.

Accepted Answer

Kevin Holly
Kevin Holly on 30 Jun 2022
Edited: Kevin Holly on 30 Jun 2022
Do you need to know how to find those points given the raw data in a single vector array? If so, see approach below.
Find the slope by finding the difference from the left and then take the absolute value. Find the slopes (datapoints) that are greater than a specific threshold. Note, if you only care about the positive slope (the two red points to the left in the example you provided) then do not take the absolute value. Do the same thing coming from the right. Find the identified datapoints that are common between the left and right approach.
x = 1:11;
y = [0 0 0 0.3 0.8 1 1 1 0.5 0 0];
threshold = 0.1;
x1 = x(2:end);
y1 = abs(diff(y));
x_left = x1(y1>threshold)
x_left = 1×5
4 5 6 9 10
x2 = flip(x(1:end-1));
y2 = abs(diff(flip(y)));
x_right = x2(y2>threshold)
x_right = 1×5
9 8 5 4 3
values = intersect(x_left,x_right)
values = 1×3
4 5 9
hold on
Approached shown with visualizations:
Approach from the left
x1 = x(2:end);
y1 = abs(diff(y));
x_left = x1(y1>threshold)
x_left = 1×5
4 5 6 9 10
Approach from the right
x2 = flip(x(1:end-1));
y2 = abs(diff(flip(y)));
x_right = x2(y2>threshold)
x_right = 1×5
9 8 5 4 3
Find the values in common between x_left and x_right.
values = intersect(x_left,x_right)
values = 1×3
4 5 9
hold on

More Answers (1)

Jonas on 30 Jun 2022
Edited: Jonas on 30 Jun 2022
you can identify those points using a threshold for the differential signal, something like
find( abs(diff(x)) > someThresholdValue )+1
since i dont see the y axis, i cannot suggest a threshold value

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