Machine Learning with MATLAB - MATLAB
Video length is 41:25

Machine Learning with MATLAB

Learn how to get started using machine learning tools to detect patterns and build predictive models from your datasets. In this webinar, you will learn about several machine learning techniques available in MATLAB and how to quickly explore your data, evaluate machine learning algorithms, compare the results, and apply the best machine learning for your problem.

Highlights include unsupervised and supervised machine learning techniques including:

  • K-means and other clustering tools
  • Neural Networks
  • Decision trees and ensemble learning
  • Naïve Bayes Classification
  • Linear, logistic and nonlinear regression

About the Presenter: Abhishek Gupta graduated with MS in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University. His research constituted development of mathematical models of heat exchangers using MATLAB and Simulink. In 2007, he joined Technical Support at MathWorks and later moved to the Application Engineering Group.

Recorded: 17 Jul 2014

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