Model-Based Control Design and Calibration Toolset for Downsized Boosted Engines - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 18:56

Model-Based Control Design and Calibration Toolset for Downsized Boosted Engines

Yue-Yun Wang, General Motors Company

Engine downsizing using turbochargers is a key strategy for lowering emissions and increasing fuel economy. However, engineers face great challenges in designing these control systems due to their nonlinearities, multivariable nature, system coupling, and calibration complexity. This presentation describes a model-based solution to this complicated control problem using advanced concepts such as inverse model control and quantitative feedback design with a calibration toolset built on System Identification Toolbox and Control System Toolbox™. Using this approach for designing a robust high-performance control system represents a paradigm shift from test cell calibration to a virtual desktop environment.

Recorded: 9 May 2013

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