Teaching Rigid Body Dynamics - MATLAB & Simulink

Video and Webinar Series

Teaching Rigid Body Dynamics

Throughout this series, you'll learn how to implement a Lagrangian dynamics approach and derive equations of motion of rigid body systems using MATLAB®. The proposed workflow incorporates tasks involving both symbolic and numeric computing—a natural combination that leads to deeper learning engagements with students.

Computational Thinking

Learn about the computational thinking approach.

Spring-Mass-Damper System Case Study

Discover how MATLAB supports a computational thinking approach using the classic spring-mass-damper system.

Two-Degrees-of-Freedom Non-Planar Robotic Manipulator Case Study

Explore a real-life case study that further explains the computational thinking approach using a larger two-degree-of-freedom system.


Review choices for implementing more automation for multi-degrees-of-freedom systems.

Four-Degrees-of-Freedom Non-Planar Robotic Manipulator Case Study

Explore the analysis and derivation of the equations of motion for a four-degrees-of-freedom robotic manipulator.

Summary of Computational Thinking Implementation

Review the key features in MATLAB that support a computational thinking approach when teaching rigid body dynamics.