RTL-SDR Support from Communications Toolbox - Hardware Support - MATLAB & Simulink

Hardware Support

RTL-SDR Support from Communications Toolbox

Design and prototype software-defined radio (SDR) systems using RTL-SDR with MATLAB and Simulink

Capabilities and Features

With Communications Toolbox Support Package for RTL-SDR Radio, you can use MATLAB and Simulink to design and prototype systems that process real time wireless signals. For example, you can receive and process wireless signals such as FM radio, airplane surveillance signals (ADS-B), and signals from smart meters (water or energy metering devices). You can also deploy your system on a low cost, single-board computer, such as Raspberry Pi, that has an RTL-SDR attached to it.

Support highlights include:

  • RTL-SDR radio as an I/O peripheral to receive streaming RF signals
  • Ability to design standalone SDR applications with an RTL-SDR connected to Raspberry Pi hardware using Raspberry Pi Support Package for Simulink
  • Configurable center frequency in the range of 22 MHz to 2.2 GHz (based on the tuner)
  • Configurable sampling rate in the range of 225-300 kHz and 900 – 2,560 kHz


RTL-SDR is a popular, low cost hardware that can receive wireless signals. The RTL-SDR dongle features the Realtek RTL2832U chip, which provides I-Q samples through the USB interface. You can receive and demodulate various wireless signals across a broad frequency range.

Get MATLAB and Simulink Products

Wireless engineers, students, and hobbyists can receive and decode real-world radio signals using Communications Toolbox and RTL-SDR hardware.

Learn about the pricing and licensing options for buying Communications Toolbox and its required products.

Supported Hardware

This package supports NooElec NESDR radios and other RTL-SDR USB radios featuring RTL2832U chips as listed here. Learn more about receiving and analyzing wireless signals using RTL-SDR and MATLAB by downloading a free ebook.

Platform and Release Support

See the hardware support package system requirements table for current and prior version, release, and platform availability.

View enhancements and bug fixes in release notes.

Download course materials for an Introductory Communication Systems Course using SDR.

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