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Remove Simulink block signal from AUTOSAR mapping

Since R2020b


removeSignal(slMap,slPortHandle) removes the Simulink® block signal associated with outport port handle slPortHandle from AUTOSAR mapping.



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In example model autosar_swc_counter, remove Simulink signal equal_to_count, which originates in the RelOpt block, from the AUTOSAR component signal mapping.

hModel = 'autosar_swc_counter';
slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(hModel);

portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;

Input Arguments

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Simulink to AUTOSAR mapping information for a model, previously returned by slMap = autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping(model). model is a handle, character vector, or string scalar representing the model name.

Example: slMap

Outport port handle for a Simulink block signal to remove from AUTOSAR mapping. Use MATLAB® commands to construct the outport port handle. For example, for a Relational Operator block named RelOpt:

portHandles = get_param('autosar_swc_counter/RelOpt','portHandles');
outportHandle = portHandles.Outport;

Example: outportHandle

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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