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Ultrasonic Detection Generator

Generate ultrasonic sensor detections from driving scenario or RoadRunner Scenario

Since R2022b

  • Ultrasonic Detection Generator block icon

Automated Driving Toolbox / Driving Scenario and Sensor Modeling


The Ultrasonic Detection Generator block generates detection of targets from an ultrasonic sensor mounted on the ego vehicle. Use this block to generate sensor data from a driving scenario containing actors and trajectories, which you can read from a Scenario Reader block.

At intervals equal to the sensor update interval, the block outputs distance from the sensor to the closest point of the detected target. This block also provides parameters to specify dimensions and properties of the objects in the scenario. For visualization of ultrasonic detections using the Bird's-Eye Scope app, this block also outputs the 3-D coordinate of the closest point on the detected object.

You can use the block with vehicle actors in Driving Scenario and RoadRunner Scenario simulations. For RoadRunner Scenario, you must register the block as a sensor model using the addSensors function before simulation.

You can use the Ultrasonic Detection Generator to create input to a Multi-Object Tracker block. When building scenarios and sensor models using the Driving Scenario Designer app, the ultrasonic sensors exported to Simulink® are output as Ultrasonic Detection Generator blocks.




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Scenario actor poses in ego vehicle coordinates, specified as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure.

The structure must contain these fields.

NumActorsNumber of actorsNonnegative integer
TimeCurrent simulation timeReal-valued scalar
ActorsActor posesNumActors-length array of actor pose structures

Each actor pose structure in Actors must contain these fields.


Scenario-defined actor identifier, specified as a positive integer.

In R2024b:


Front-axle position of the vehicle, specified as a three-element row vector in the form [x y z]. Units are in meters.


If the driving scenario does not contain a front-axle trajectory for at least one vehicle, then the ActorPoses structure does not contain this field.


Position of actor, specified as a real-valued vector of the form [x y z]. Units are in meters.


Velocity (v) of actor in the x- y-, and z-directions, specified as a real-valued vector of the form [vx vy vz]. Units are in meters per second.


Roll angle of actor, specified as a real-valued scalar. Units are in degrees.


Pitch angle of actor, specified as a real-valued scalar. Units are in degrees.


Yaw angle of actor, specified as a real-valued scalar. Units are in degrees.


Angular velocity (ω) of actor in the x-, y-, and z-directions, specified as a real-valued vector of the form [ωx ωy ωz]. Units are in degrees per second.


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Object detections, returned as a Simulink bus containing a MATLAB structure. For more details about buses, see Create Nonvirtual Buses (Simulink).

You can pass object detections from these sensors and other sensors to a tracker, such as a Multi-Object Tracker block, and generate tracks.

The structure must contain these fields.

TimeMeasurement time
MeasurementDistance measurement to the closest object
MeasurementNoiseMeasurement noise covariance matrix
SensorIndexUnique ID of the sensor
ObjectClassIDObject classification
ObjectAttributesAdditional information passed to tracker
MeasurementParametersParameters used by initialization functions of nonlinear Kalman tracking filters

This table describes the additional information in the ObjectAttributes property.


TargetIndexIdentifier of the actor, ActorID, that generated the detection. For false alarms, this value is negative.
PointOnTargetCoordinate of the point on the detected object that the sensor used to compute the distance measurement. It is in the vehicle coordinate system. Use this for visualizing detections in the Bird's-Eye Scope app.

For MeasurementParameters, the measurements are relative to the parent frame. The parent frame is the ego vehicle body.


Frame Enumerated type indicating the frame used to report measurements. The Frame is always set to 'spherical' and the detections are reported in spherical coordinates for Ultrasonic Detection Generator.
OriginPosition3-D vector offset of the sensor origin from the parent frame origin.
OriginVelocityVelocity of the sensor coordinate system with respect to the parent frame.
IsParentToChildLogical scalar indicating if Orientation performs a frame rotation from the parent coordinate frame to the child coordinate frame. When IsParentToChild is false, then Orientation performs a frame rotation from the child coordinate frame to the parent coordinate frame.
HasAzimuthIndicates whether measurements contain azimuth components.
HasRangeIndicates whether measurements contain range components. Always true for Ultrasonic Detection Generator.
HasElevationIndicates whether measurements contain elevation components. Always false for Ultrasonic Detection Generator.
HasVelocityIndicates whether measurements contain velocity or range rate components. Always false for Ultrasonic Detection Generator.
FieldOfView2-D vector containing the azimuth and elevation field of view values of the sensor.


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Sensor Identification

Specify the unique sensor identifier as a positive integer. Use this parameter to distinguish between detections or tracks that come from different sensors in a multisensor system. Specify a unique value for each sensor. If you do not update Unique identifier of sensor from the default value of 0, then the radar returns an error at the start of simulation.

Sensor Mounting

Specify the sensor location on the ego vehicle body frame in meters as a 1-by-3 real-valued vector of the form [x y z]. This parameter defines the coordinates of the sensor along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis relative to the ego vehicle origin, where:

  • The x-axis points forward from the vehicle.

  • The y-axis points to the left of the vehicle.

  • The z-axis points up from the ground.

The default value corresponds to a radar that is mounted at the center of the front grill of a sedan.

For more details on the ego vehicle coordinate system, see Coordinate Systems in Automated Driving Toolbox.

Specify the mounting rotation angles of the radar in degrees as a 1-by-3 real-valued vector of form [zyaw ypitch xroll]. This parameter defines the intrinsic Euler angle rotation of the sensor around the z-axis, y-axis, and x-axis with respect to the ego vehicle body frame, where:

  • zyaw, or yaw angle, rotates the sensor around the z-axis of the ego vehicle.

  • ypitch, or pitch angle, rotates the sensor around the y-axis of the ego vehicle. This rotation is relative to the sensor position that results from the zyaw rotation.

  • xroll, or roll angle, rotates the sensor about the x-axis of the ego vehicle. This rotation is relative to the sensor position that results from the zyaw and ypitch rotations.

These angles are clockwise-positive when looking in the forward direction of the z-axis, y-axis, and x-axis, respectively. If you visualize sensor data from a bird's-eye view perspective, then the yaw angle is counterclockwise-positive because you are viewing the data in the negative direction of the z-axis, which points up from the ground.

For more details on this coordinate system, see Coordinate Systems in Automated Driving Toolbox.

Sensor Configuration

Angular field of view of the ultrasonic sensor, specified as a 1-by-2 positive real-valued vector of the form [horizontalFOV verticalFOV]. The field of view defines the total angular extent spanned by the sensor. You must specify the horizontal field of view horizontalFOV in the range (0, 360], and the elevation field of view verticalFOV in the range (0, 180]. The range of vertical field of view is narrow to avoid detections from the ground. Units are in degrees.

Detection range vector of the ultrasonic sensor, specified as a 1-by-3 nonnegative real-valued vector of the form [minDetOnlyRange minDistRange maxDistRange], where minDetOnlyRange < minDistRange < maxDistRange. Units are in meters. These values determine the detections and distance values returned by the ultrasonic sensor.

  • When the detected object is at a distance between minDistRange and maxDistRange, the sensor returns a positive distance value.

  • When the detected object is at a distance between minDetOnlyRange and minDistRange, the sensor detects the object, but cannot determine the distance and returns a value of 0.

  • When the object is at a distance below minDetOnlyRange or above maxDistRange, the sensor returns an empty cell array.

Specify the sensor update rate in hertz as a positive real scalar. The reciprocal of the update rate must be an integer multiple of the simulation time interval. The radar generates new reports at intervals defined by this reciprocal value. Any sensor update requested between update intervals contains no detections or tracks.

Port Settings

Source of output bus name, specified as one of these options:

  • Auto — The block automatically creates a bus name.

  • Property — Specify the bus name by using the Specify an output bus name parameter.

Specify the name of the actor poses bus returned in the Actors output port.

To enable this parameter, set the Source of output bus name parameter to Property.

Actor Profiles

Specify the method to specify target profiles, which are the physical and radar characteristics of all targets in the driving scenario, as one of these options:

  • Parameters — The block obtains the target profiles from the parameters enabled on the Target Profiles tab when you select this option.

  • MATLAB expression — The block obtains the actor profiles from the MATLAB expression specified by the MATLAB expression for target profiles parameter.

  • From Scenario Reader block — The block obtains the actor profiles from the scenario specified by the Scenario Reader block.

Specify the MATLAB expression for actor profiles, as a MATLAB structure, a MATLAB structure array, or a valid MATLAB expression that produces such a structure or structure array.

If your Scenario Reader block reads data from a drivingScenario object, to obtain the actor profiles directly from this object, set this expression to call the actorProfiles function on the object. For example: actorProfiles(scenario).

The default target profile expression produces a MATLAB structure and has this form:

struct('ClassID',0,'Length',4.7,'Width',1.8,'Height',1.4, ...
'OriginOffset',[-1.35 0 0],'RCSPattern',[10 10;10 10], ...
'RCSAzimuthAngles',[-180 180],'RCSElevationAngles',[-90 90])


To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles definition parameter to MATLAB expression.

Specify the scenario-defined actor identifier as a positive integer or length-L vector of unique positive integers. L must equal the number of actors input into the Actors input port. The vector elements must match ActorID values of the actors. You can specify Unique identifier for actors as []. In this case, the same actor profile parameters apply to all actors.

Example: [1 2]


To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles definition parameter to Parameters.

Specify the user-defined classification identifier as an integer or length-L vector of integers. When Unique identifier for actors is a vector, this parameter is a vector of the same length with elements in one-to-one correspondence to the actors in Unique identifier for actors. When Unique identifier for actors is empty, [], you must specify this parameter as a single integer whose value applies to all actors.

Example: 2


To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles definition parameter to Parameters.

Specify the length of actor cuboids as a positive real scalar or length-L vector of positive values. When Unique identifier for actors is a vector, this parameter is a vector of the same length with elements in one-to-one correspondence to the actors in Unique identifier for actors. When Unique identifier for actors is empty, [], you must specify this parameter as a positive real scalar whose value applies to all actors. Units are in meters.

Example: 6.3


To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles definition parameter to Parameters.

Specify the width of actor cuboids as a positive real scalar or length-L vector of positive values. When Unique identifier for actors is a vector, this parameter is a vector of the same length with elements in one-to-one correspondence to the actors in Unique identifier for actors. When Unique identifier for actors is empty, [], you must specify this parameter as a positive real scalar whose value applies to all actors. Units are in meters.

Example: 4.7


To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles definition parameter to Parameters.

Specify the height of actor cuboids as a positive real scalar or length-L vector of positive values. When Unique identifier for actors is a vector, this parameter is a vector of the same length with elements in one-to-one correspondence to the actors in Unique identifier for actors. When Unique identifier for actors is empty, [], you must specify this parameter as a positive real scalar whose value applies to all actors. Units are in meters.

Example: 2.0


To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles definition parameter to Parameters.

Specify the rotational center of actors as a length-L cell array of real-valued 1-by-3 vectors. Each vector represents the offset of the rotational center of an actor from the bottom-center of the actor. For vehicles, the offset corresponds to the point on the ground beneath the center of the rear axle. When Unique identifier for actors is a vector, this parameter is a cell array of vectors with cells in one-to-one correspondence to the actors in Unique identifier for actors. When Unique identifier for actors is empty, [], you must specify this parameter as a cell array of one element containing an offset vector whose values apply to all actors. Units are in meters.

Example: {[-1.35, 0.2, 0.3]}


To enable this parameter, set the Target profiles definition parameter to Parameters.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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