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FIR Rate Conversion

Perform polyphase FIR sample rate conversion

  • FIR Rate Conversion block

DSP System Toolbox / Filtering / Multirate Filters


The FIR Rate Conversion block performs an efficient polyphase sample rate conversion using a rational factor L/M along the first dimension. The block treats each column of the input as a separate channel and resamples the data in each channel independently over time.

Conceptually, the rate converter combines an FIR interpolator followed by an FIR decimator. The following schematic contains an upsampler, a combined anti-imaging and anti-aliasing FIR filter, and a downsampler. To design an FIR filter which acts as a combined anti-imaging and anti-aliasing FIR filter, use the designMultirateFIR function.

The rate converter does the following:

  1. Upsamples the input to a higher rate by inserting L1 zeros between input samples.

  2. Passes the upsampled data through an FIR filter.

  3. Downsamples the filtered data to a lower rate by discarding M-1 consecutive samples following each sample that the block retains.

FIR rate converter contains an upsampler followed by an anti-imaging, anti-aliasing FIR filter, followed by a downsampler.

Note that the actual block algorithm implements a polyphase structure, an efficient equivalent of the combined system depicted in the diagram. For more details, see Algorithms.




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Specify the input signal as a vector or a matrix of size P-by-Q. The input columns represent the Q independent channels.

The block supports variable-size input signals (frame length changes during simulation) when you set Rate options to Enforce single-rate processing. When the block accepts variable-size input signals, they can be of arbitrary frame length, that is, the input frame length does not have to be a multiple of the decimation factor. For fixed-size signals, the frame length can be arbitrary under certain conditions. For more details, see Frame-Based Processing.

When the block input is fixed point, all internal data types are signed fixed point.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point
Complex Number Support: Yes


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Rate converted signal, returned as a vector or a matrix.

When you set the Rate options parameter to:

  • Enforce single-rate processing –– The block maintains the input sample rate and resamples the signal by changing the output frame size by a factor of L/M.

    The output has an upper bound size of ceil(LP/M)-by-Q for an input of size P-by-Q.

  • Allow multirate processing –– The block decimates the signal such that the output signal sample rate is L/M times the input sample rate.

    The output frame size is the same as the input frame size, Fo = (L/MFi

    All blocks connected to the output operate at Fo, and all blocks connected to the input operate at Fi.

    For more details, see Frame-Based Processing.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | fixed point
Complex Number Support: Yes


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The FIR Rate Conversion block can operate in three different modes. Select the mode in the Coefficient source group box.

  • Dialog parameters — Enter information about the filter, such as FIR filter coefficients in the block dialog box.

  • Filter object — Specify the filter using a dsp.FIRRateConverter System object™.

  • Auto (default) — The block determines the filter coefficients.

The settings in the FIR Rate Conversion block dialog box change based on the mode selected.

Main Tab

Specify the interpolation factor, L, as a positive integer. The block upsamples the signal by this value before filtering it.


To enable this parameter, set Coefficient source to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Specify the FIR filter coefficients in descending powers of z. By default, the block uses the designMultirateFIR(3,2) function to compute the filter coefficients.


To enable this parameter, set Coefficient source to Dialog parameters.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64
Complex Number Support: Yes

Specify the decimation factor, M, as a positive integer. The block downsamples the signal by this value after filtering it.


To enable this parameter, set Coefficient source to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Specify whether to enforce single-rate processing or allow multirate processing.

  • Enforce single-rate processing –– The output frame size Po is L/M times the input frame size Pi, where L is the interpolation factor and M is the decimation factor.

    Po = (L/MPi

    The output signal rate in Simulink® equals the input signal rate.

    Fo = Fi

  • Allow multirate processing –– The output frame size equals the input frame size.

    Po = Pi

    The output signal rate in Simulink is L/M times the input signal rate.

    Fo = (L/MFi

    All blocks connected to the output operate at Fo, and all blocks connected to the input operate at Fi.

Specify the multirate filter object that you want the block to implement. The specified filter object must be a dsp.FIRRateConverter System object.

You can define the System object in the block mask or in a MATLAB® workspace variable.

For information on creating System objects, see Define Basic System Objects.


This parameter appears when Coefficient source is set to Filter object.

Specify whether fixed-size input signals (whose size does not change during simulation) can have an arbitrary frame length, where the frame length does not have to be a multiple of the decimation factor. The block uses this parameter setting only for fixed-size input signals and ignores this parameter if the input has a variable-size.

When the input signal is a variable-size signal, the signal can have arbitrary frame length, that is, the frame length does not have to be a multiple of the decimation factor.

For fixed-size input signals, if you:

  • Select the Allow arbitrary frame length for fixed-size input signals parameter, the frame length of the signal does not have to be a multiple of the decimation factor. If the input is not a multiple of the decimation factor, then the output is generally a variable-size signal. Therefore, to support arbitrary input size, the block must also support variable-size operations, which you can enable by selecting the Allow arbitrary frame length for fixed-size input signals parameter.

  • Clear the Allow arbitrary frame length for fixed-size input signals parameter, the input frame length must be a multiple of the decimation factor.


To enable this parameter, set Rate options to Enforce single-rate processing.

Select this parameter to open the Filter Visualization Tool, fvtool, and display the magnitude response of the FIR filter. The response is based on the parameters selected in the block dialog box. Changes made to these parameters update fvtool.

To update the magnitude response while fvtool is running, modify the block parameters and click Apply.

To view the magnitude response and phase response simultaneously, click the Magnitude and Phase responses button on the toolbar.

Data Types Tab

When Coefficient source is set to Filter object, the fixed-point settings of the filter object specified on the Main tab are displayed on the Data Types tab. You cannot change these settings directly on the block dialog box. To change the fixed-point settings, you must edit the filter object.

For more information on System objects, see the What Are System Objects?.

When Coefficient source is set to Auto, the block chooses the filter coefficients automatically. For more information on the filter design algorithm that the block uses, see Specify FIR Filter Coefficients.

Specify the rounding mode for fixed-point operations as:

  • Floor

  • Ceiling

  • Convergent

  • Nearest

  • Round

  • Simplest

  • Zero

For more details, see Rounding Modes.

The filter coefficients do not obey this parameter and always round to Nearest.


The Rounding mode and Saturate on integer overflow parameters have no effect on numerical results when all these conditions are met:

  • Product output data type is Inherit: Inherit via internal rule.

  • Accumulator data type is Inherit: Inherit via internal rule.

  • Output data type is Inherit: Same as accumulator.

With these data-type settings, the block operates in a full-precision mode.


To enable this parameter, set Coefficient source to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Select this parameter to saturate the result of the fixed-point operation. Clear this parameter to wrap the result of the fixed-point operation. For details on saturate and wrap, see Overflow Handling for fixed-point operations.


The Rounding mode and Saturate on integer overflow parameters have no effect on numeric results when all these conditions are met:

  • Product output data type is Inherit: Inherit via internal rule.

  • Accumulator data type is Inherit: Inherit via internal rule.

With these data-type settings, the block operates in a full-precision mode.


This parameter is editable only when Coefficient source is set to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Coefficients specifies the data type of the filter coefficients.

  • Inherit: Same word length as input –– The block inherits the word length of the coefficients from the fixed-point input. The fraction length is determined based on the coefficient values in order to obtain the best possible precision.

  • fixdt(1,16) –– The coefficients data type is a signed, binary-point, scaled, fixed-point data type with a word length of 16 bits.

  • fixdt(1,16,0) –– The coefficients data type is a signed, binary-point, scaled, fixed-point data type with a word length of 16 bits and a fraction length of 0.

Alternatively, you can set the Coefficients data type by using the Data Type Assistant. To use the assistant, click the Show data type assistant button .

For more information on the data type assistant, see Specify Data Types Using Data Type Assistant (Simulink).

For a diagrammatic representation of how this block uses the filter coefficients data type, see Fixed-Point Data Types.


This parameter is editable only when Coefficient source is set to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Specify the minimum value of the filter coefficients. Simulink uses this minimum value to perform automatic scaling of fixed-point data types.

Specify the maximum value of the filter coefficients. Simulink uses this maximum value to perform automatic scaling of fixed-point data types.

Product output specifies the data type of the output of a product operation in the FIR Rate Conversion block.

  • Inherit: Inherit via internal rule — The block inherits the product output data type based on an internal rule. For more information on this rule, see Inherit via Internal Rule.

  • Inherit: Same as input — The block specifies the product output data type to be the same as the input data type.

  • fixdt(1,16,0) — The block specifies a signed, binary-point, scaled, fixed-point data type with a word length of 16 bits and a fraction length of 0.

Alternatively, you can set the Product output data type by using the Data Type Assistant. To use the assistant, click the Show data type assistant button .

For more information on the data type assistant, see Specify Data Types Using Data Type Assistant (Simulink).

For a diagrammatic representation of how this block uses the product output data type, see Fixed-Point Data Types.


This parameter is editable only when Coefficient source is set to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Accumulator specifies the data type of the output of an accumulation operation in the FIR Rate Conversion block. For illustrations on how this block uses the accumulator data type, see Fixed-Point Data Types.

  • Inherit: Inherit via internal rule — The block inherits the accumulator data type based on an internal rule. For more information on this rule, see Inherit via Internal Rule.

  • Inherit: Same as input — The block specifies the accumulator data type to be the same as the input data type.

  • Inherit: Same as product output — The block specifies the accumulator data type to be the same as the product output data type.

  • fixdt(1,16,0) — The block specifies a signed, binary-point, scaled, fixed-point data type with a word length of 16 bits and a fraction length of 0.

Alternatively, you can set the Accumulator data type by using the Data Type Assistant. To use the assistant, click the Show data type assistant button.

For more information on the data type assistant, see Specify Data Types Using Data Type Assistant (Simulink).


This parameter is editable only when Coefficient source is set to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Output specifies the data type of the output of the FIR Rate Conversion block.

  • Inherit: Same as input — The block specifies the output data type to be the same as the input data type.

  • Inherit: Same as product output — The block specifies the output data type to be the same as the product output data type.

  • Inherit: Same as accumulator — The block specifies the output data type to be the same as the accumulator data type.

  • fixdt(1,16,0) — The block specifies a signed, binary-point, scaled, fixed-point data type with a word length of 16 bits and a fraction length of 0.

Alternatively, you can set the Output data type by using the Data Type Assistant. To use the assistant, click the Show data type assistant button .

For more information on the data type assistant, see Specify Data Types Using Data Type Assistant (Simulink).

For a diagrammatic representation of how this block uses the output data type, see Fixed-Point Data Types.


This parameter is editable only when Coefficient source is set to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Specify the minimum value the block can output. Simulink uses this minimum value to perform:

  • Simulation range checking. For more information, see Specify Signal Ranges (Simulink).

  • Automatic scaling of fixed-point data types.

Specify the maximum value the block can output. Simulink uses this maximum value to perform:

  • Simulation range checking. For more information, see Specify Signal Ranges (Simulink).

  • Automatic scaling of fixed-point data types.

Select this parameter to prevent the fixed-point tools from overriding the data types you specify on the block dialog box.


This parameter appears only when Coefficient source is set to either Dialog parameters or Auto.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

double | fixed point | integer | single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


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The FIR rate converter is implemented efficiently using a polyphase structure.

To derive the polyphase structure, start with the transfer function of the FIR filter: This FIR filter is a combined anti-imaging and anti-aliasing filter.


N+1 is the length of the FIR filter.

You can rearrange this equation as follows:


L is the number of polyphase components, and its value equals the interpolation factor that you specify.

You can write this equation as:


E0(zL), E1(zL), ..., EL-1(zL) are polyphase components of the FIR filter H(z).

Conceptually, the FIR rate converter contains an upsampler, followed by a combined anti-imaging, anti-aliasing FIR filter H(z), which is followed by a downsampler.

FIR rate converter contains an upsampler followed by a combined anti-imaging, anti-aliasing FIR filter, followed by a downsampler.

Replace H(z) with its polyphase representation.

Here is the multirate noble identity for interpolation.

Applying the noble identity for interpolation moves the upsampling operation to after the filtering operation. This move enables you to filter the signal at a lower rate.

You can replace the upsampling operator, delay block, and the adder with a commutator switch. To account for the downsampler that follows, the switch moves in steps of size M. The switch receives the first sample from branch 0 and moves in the counter clockwise direction, each time skipping M−1 branches.

As an example, consider a rate converter with L set to 5 and M set to 3. The polyphase components are E0(z), E1(z), E2(z), E3(z), and E4(z). The switch starts on the first branch 0, skips branches 1 and 2, receives the next sample from branch 3, then skips branches 4 and 0, receives the next sample from branch 2, and so on. The sequence of branches from which the switch receives the data sample is [0, 3, 1, 4, 2, 0, 3, 1, ….].

The rate converter implements the L/M conversion by first applying the interpolation factor L to the incoming data, and using the commutator switch at the end to receive only 1 in M samples, effectively accounting for the downsampling factor M. Hence, the sample rate at the output of the FIR rate converter is Lfs/M.


[1] Orfanidis, Sophocles J. Introduction to Signal Processing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1996.

Extended Capabilities

Fixed-Point Conversion
Design and simulate fixed-point systems using Fixed-Point Designer™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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