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Read high-resolution sensor data over Single Edge Nibble Transmission (SENT) protocol

Since R2023b

  • SENT Block

Embedded Coder Support Package for Infineon AURIX TC4x Microcontrollers / AURIX TC4x


The SENT block reads high-resolution data from sensor and provides 32-bit data output based on SENT (Single Edge Nibble Transmission) protocol (SAE J2716). The output based on SENT protocol is a unidirectional signal from sensor to controller, encoding sensor data information in the form of nibbles (4-bit data), packing 8 nibbles together.

The block also provides the options to enable additional outputs about the Status and Communication nibble, serial data, and the status of data reception.



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This input port requests data based on sensor or feature selection configuration in SENT Configuration.


  • You can provide the input as 1, 2 or 3 if you select SPC Mode parameter as Feature selection.

  • You can provide the input as 1, 2, 3 or 4 (based on the number of sensors interfaced on SENT channel) if you select SPC Mode parameter as Sensor selection.


To enable this port, set the SENT Protocol as SPC Mode and select the SPC Modeparameter as Feature selection or Sensor selection.

Data Types: uint8


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The block outputs 32-bit value that represents the sensor data, packing 8 nibbles (4-bit data) together.

Data Types: uint32

The block outputs the 16-bit serial data that represents the sensor data.


To enable this port, select the Serial parameter.

Data Types: uint16

The block outputs the Status and Communication nibble data sent by the sensor (1st nibble information), which generally provides diagnostic information like fault data, part numbers, and so on.


To enable this port, select the Status and Communication Nibble parameter.

Data Types: uint8

The block outputs the status of the data that was read, or the errors that occurred during the data transfer, as a unit32 scalar value.

Bit 0Receive successThis bit is set at the successfully received end of a frame. If CRC check is enabled, it also indicates successful CRC check.
Bit 1Receive data successThis bit is set when received frame is moved to data register. Both RSI and RDI.
Bit 2Receive buffer overflowThis bit is set when new data is received while older one is still not read from data register. Older data gets overwritten by new data.
Bit 3Transfer dataThis bit is set after the trigger condition was detected. Data to be transferred has been moved internally and new value can be written in SPC control register.
Bit 4Transmit buffer underflowThis bit is set after data has been successfully transferred and no new data was written to SPC control register.
Bit 5Frequency range errorThis bit is set after a Synchronization / Calibration pulse was received that deviates more than +/- 25% from the nominal value.
Bit 6Frequency drift errorThis bit is set after a subsequent Synchronization / Calibration pulse was received that deviates more than 1.5625% from its predecessor.
Bit 7Wrong number of nibbles receivedThis bit is set if less/more nibbles have been received than expected.
Bit 8Nibbles value out of rangeThis bit is set if value off Nibble is not in range. It is less than 0 or greater than 15.
Bit 9CRC errorThis bit is set when CRC fails.
Bit 10Wrong SC NibbleThis bit is set if Status and Communication nibble shows a start bit in a frame other than frame number nx16.
Bit 11Serial data receivedThis bit is set after all serial data bits are received using the Status and Communication nibble.
Bit 12Serial data CRC errorThis bit is set if the CRC of the serial message fails.
Bit 13Watch dog errorThis bit is set if watchdog timer of the channel has expired.


To enable this port, select the Enable channel status port parameter.

Data Types: uint32


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Select the data format.

  • Serial - In this data format, the block outputs serial data based on the SENT protocol.

    When you select this option, the block configures the Serial-data output port.

  • Status and Communication Nibble - In this data format, the block provides the Status and Communication nibble data based on the SENT protocol.

    When you select this option, the block configures the Status & Comm output port.

Enable output data that specifies data read status and errors (if any) based on bit-wise categorization.

Specify in seconds how often the block should read the received data.

When you specify this parameter as -1, Simulink® determines the best sample time for the block based on the block context within the model.


Select SENT protocol as standard or short PWM code (SPC) transmission for the channel.

Selection of this parameter as SPC enables options in Advanced tab in the SENT Configuration.

Select mode of SPC transmission.

Selection of this parameter enables the related parameters in the SENT Configuration.


To view this parameter, set the SENT Protocol parameter as SPC.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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