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Load on geometry cell

Since R2023a


A cellLoad object contains a description of a load on a cell of a geometry. An femodel object contains an array of cellLoad objects in its CellLoad property.



model.CellLoad(CellID) = cellLoad(Name=Value) creates a cellLoad object and sets properties using one or more name-value arguments. This syntax assigns the specified structural, thermal, or electromagnetic load to the specified cells of the geometry stored in the femodel object model. For example, model.CellLoad(1) = cellLoad(Gravity=[0 0 -9.8]) specifies the gravity load on cell 1.


model.CellLoad = cellLoad(Name=Value) assigns the specified load to the entire geometry. For example, model.CellLoad = cellLoad(Gravity=[0 0 -9.8]) specifies the gravity load on all cells of the geometry.


Input Arguments

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Cell IDs, specified as a vector of positive integers. Find the cell IDs using pdegplot with the CellLabels value set to "on".

Data Types: double


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Acceleration due to gravity, specified as a vector of three elements for a 3-D model.

Data Types: double

Angular velocity for modeling centrifugal loading in an axisymmetric model, specified as a positive number.

Data Types: double

Thermal load, specified as a real number, SteadyStateThermalResults object, or TransientThermalResults object. This property must be specified in units consistent with those of the geometry and material properties. For TransientThermalResults, you can access results for a particular time-step by using the filterByIndex function.


If you specify a thermal load, you must also specify a reference temperature using model.ReferenceTemperature. For details, see the description of the ReferenceTemperature property in femodel.

Heat source term, specified as a real number or function handle. Use a function handle to specify an internal heat source that depends on space, time, or temperature. For details, see Nonconstant Parameters of Finite Element Model.

Data Types: double | function_handle

Charge density, specified as a real number or function handle. Use a function handle to specify a charge density that depends on the coordinates. For details, see Nonconstant Parameters of Finite Element Model.

Data Types: double | function_handle

Current density, specified as a real number, vector, function handle, or a ConductionResults object. Use a function handle to specify a nonconstant current density. For details, see Nonconstant Parameters of Finite Element Model.

For magnetostatic analysis, the current density must be a vector of three elements, a ConductionResults object, or a function handle.

For harmonic analysis with an electric field type, the toolbox multiplies the specified current density by -i and by frequency. The current density must be a vector of three elements or a function handle that depends on the coordinates.

For harmonic analysis with a magnetic field type, the toolbox uses the curl of the specified current density. The current density must be a vector of three elements or a function handle that depends on the coordinates for a 3-D model.

Data Types: double | function_handle

Magnetization, specified as a vector of three elements or a function handle. Use a function handle to specify a magnetization that depends on the coordinates. For details, see Nonconstant Parameters of Finite Element Model.

Data Types: double | function_handle


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Specify magnetization on a cell for an femodel object representing a magnetostatic problem.

Create and plot a geometry that consists of two nested cylinders.

gm = multicylinder([0.01,0.015],0.05);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 6 objects of type quiver, text, patch, line.

Create an femodel object for solving a magnetostatic problem, and assign the geometry to the model.

model = femodel(AnalysisType="magnetostatic", ...

To make the inner cylinder represent a permanent magnet, specify the uniform magnetization in the positive x-direction.

model.CellLoad(1) = cellLoad(Magnetization=[1 0 0]);
ans = 
  1x2 cellLoad array

Properties for analysis type: magnetostatic

Index    CurrentDensity    Magnetization
  1            []             [1 0 0]   
  2            []               []      

  Show all properties

Specify the gravity load for an femodel object representing a static structural problem.

Create and plot a bimetallic beam geometry.

L = 0.5;
W = 0.1;
H = 0.1;
gm = multicuboid(L,W,[H,H],Zoffset=[0,H]);

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 6 objects of type quiver, text, patch, line.

Create an femodel object for solving a static structural problem, and assign the geometry to the model.

model = femodel(AnalysisType="structuralStatic", ...

Specify the gravity load on the entire beam.

model.CellLoad = cellLoad(Gravity=[0 0 -9.8]);
ans = 
  1x2 cellLoad array

Properties for analysis type: structuralStatic

Index       Gravity       AngularVelocity    Temperature
  1      [0 0 -9.8000]          []               []     
  2      [0 0 -9.8000]          []               []     

  Show all properties

Version History

Introduced in R2023a

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