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Plot objects, detections, and tracks in Scenario

Since R2021a


The theaterPlot object is used to display a plot of a radarScenario. This type of plot can be used with sensors capable of detecting objects.

To display aspects of a scenario on a theater plot:

  1. Create a theaterPlot object.

  2. Create plotters for the aspects of the scenario that you want to plot.

  3. Use the plotters with their corresponding plot functions to display those aspects on the theater plot.

This table shows the plotter functions to use based on the scenario aspect that you want to plot.

Scenario Aspect to PlotPlotter Creation FunctionPlotter Display Function
Sensor coverage areascoveragePlotterplotCoverage
Sensor detectionsdetectionPlotterplotDetection
Object orientationorientationPlotterplotOrientation
Object trajectorytrajectoryPlotterplotTrajectory



tp = theaterPlot creates a theater plot in a new figure.

tp = theaterPlot(Name,Value) creates a theater plot in a new figure with optional input Properties specified by one or more Name,Value pair arguments. Properties can be specified in any order as Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN. Enclose each property name in quotes.



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Parent axes, specified as a theaterPlot handle. If you do not specify Parent, then theaterPlot creates axes in a new figure.

Plotters created for the theater plot, specified as an array of plotter objects.

Limits of the x-axis, specified as a two-element row vector, [x1,x2]. The values x1 and x2 are the lower and upper limits, respectively, for the theater plot display. If you do not specify the limits, then the default values for the Parent property are used.

Data Types: double

Limits of the y-axis, specified as a two-element row vector, [y1,y2]. The values y1 and y2 are the lower and upper limits, respectively, for the theater plot display. If you do not specify the limits, then the default values for the Parent property are used.

Data Types: double

Limits of the z-axis, specified as a two-element row vector, [z1,z2]. The values z1 and z2 are the lower and upper limits, respectively, for the theater plot display. If you do not specify the limits, then the default values for the Parent property are used.

Data Types: double

Unit of each axes, specified as a three-element string array. Each element must be "m" or "km"

Data Types: string

Object Functions

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coveragePlotterCreate coverage plotter
detectionPlotterCreate detection plotter
orientationPlotterCreate orientation plotter
platformPlotterCreate platform plotter
trackPlotterCreate track plotter
trajectoryPlotterCreate trajectory plotter
surfacePlotterCreate surface plotter
clutterRegionPlotterCreate clutter region plotter
plotCoveragePlot set of coverages in theater coverage plotter
plotDetectionPlot set of detections in theater detection plotter
plotOrientationPlot set of orientations in orientation plotter
plotPlatformPlot set of platforms in platform plotter
plotTrackPlot set of tracks in theater track plotter
plotTrajectoryPlot set of trajectories in trajectory plotter
plotSurfacePlot surfaces in theater surface plotter
plotClutterRegionPlot clutter region in theater plot
clearDataClear data from specific plotter of theater plot
clearPlotterDataClear plotter data from theater plot
findPlotterReturn array of plotters associated with theater plot


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Create a theater plot.

tp = theaterPlot('XLim',[0 90],'YLim',[-35 35],'ZLim',[0 50]);

Display radar detections with coordinates at (30,-5,5), (50,-10,10), and (40,7,40). Set the view so that you are looking on the yz-plane. Confirm the y- and z-coordinates of the radar detections are correct.

radarPlotter = detectionPlotter(tp,'DisplayName','Radar Detections');
plotDetection(radarPlotter, [30 -5 5; 50 -10 10; 40 7 40])
grid on

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains a line object which displays its values using only markers. This object represents Radar Detections.


You cannot use the rectangle-zoom feature in the theaterPlot figure.

Version History

Introduced in R2021a

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