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Unit Delay Resettable (Obsolete)

Delay signal one sample period, with external Boolean reset



The Unit Delay Resettable block is not recommended. This block was removed from the Discrete library in R2016b. In new models, use the Delay block (with parameters set appropriately). Existing models that contain the Unit Delay Resettable block continue to work for backward compatibility.

  • Unit Delay Resettable (Obsolete) block


Additional Math & Discrete / Additional Discrete (until R2016b)


The Unit Delay Resettable block delays a signal one sample period.

The block can reset both its state and output based on an external reset signal R. The block has two input ports, one for the input signal u and the other for the external reset signal R.

At the start of simulation, the block's Initial condition parameter determines its initial output. During simulation, when the reset signal is false, the block outputs the input signal delayed by one time step. When the reset signal is true, the block resets the current state and its output to the Initial condition.

You specify the time between samples with the Sample time parameter. A setting of -1 means that the block inherits the Sample time.

Data Type Support

The Unit Delay Resettable block accepts signals of the following data types:

  • Floating point

  • Built-in integer

  • Fixed point

  • Boolean

  • Enumerated

The output has the same data type as the input u. For enumerated signals, the Initial condition must be of the same enumerated type as the input u.

For more information, see Data Types Supported by Simulink in the Simulink® documentation.


Initial condition

Specify the initial output of the simulation.

Sample time

Specify the time interval between samples. To inherit the sample time, set this parameter to -1. See Specify Sample Time in the online documentation for more information.


Data Types

Double | Single | Boolean | Base Integer | Fixed-Point | Enumerated

Sample Time

Specified in the Sample time parameter

Direct Feedthrough

No, of the input port

Yes, of the reset port

Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


Code Generation


HDL Code Generation Support

HDL Coder™ provides additional configuration options that affect HDL implementation and synthesized logic. For HDL code generation, it is recommended that you use the Unit Delay Resettable Synchronous (HDL Coder) block instead. This block uses the Unit Delay Resettable with the State Control (HDL Coder) block for synchronous hardware simulation behavior.

HDL Architecture

This block has a single, default HDL architecture.

HDL Block Properties


Number of input pipeline stages to insert in the generated code. Distributed pipelining and constrained output pipelining can move these registers. The default is 0. See also InputPipeline (HDL Coder).


Number of output pipeline stages to insert in the generated code. Distributed pipelining and constrained output pipelining can move these registers. The default is 0. See also OutputPipeline (HDL Coder).


Specify on to generate reset logic for the block that is more efficient for synthesis, but does not match the Simulink behavior. The default is off. See SoftReset (HDL Coder).

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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