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Set persistent variables from MATLAB to the Simulink Real-Time target computer

Since R2022a


setPersistentVariables(target_object,variables_struct) sets persistent variables to values from variables on the MATLAB® development computer into the persistent variables on the Speedgoat® target computer. The variables can be empty or a struct whose fields are persistent variables.



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The getPersistentVariables function and setPersistentVariables function enables you to access persistent variables that are created and updated in the real-time application by using the Persistent Variable Read block and Persistent Variable Write block.

  1. Get persistent variable values from target computer tg.

    myPersist = getPersistentVariables(tg)
    myPersist =
  2. Change the value of Variable1 in the myPersist structure. Add Variable1 to the structure.

    myPersist.Variable1 = 10;
    myPersist.Variable2 = int8([1, 2; 3, 4]);
    myPersist = 
      struct with fields:
        Variable1: 10
        Variable2: [2×2 int8]
  3. Set the persistent variable values on the target computer. Get the variables from the target computer.

    myMorePersist = getPersistentVariables(tg)
    myMorePersist = 
      struct with fields:
        Variable1: 10
        Variable2: [2×2 int8]

You can use the setPersistentVariables function to remove the persistent variables that are stored on the target computer.

  1. On the development computer, create a Target object tg and connect to the target computer.

    tg = slrealtime;
  2. Use the setPersistentVariables function to clear the persistent variable values that are stored on the target computer.


You can use the setPersistentVariables function to remove a persistent variable that is stored on the target computer.

  1. On the development computer, create a Target object tg and connect to the target computer.

    tg = slrealtime;
  2. Get the persistent variable values from the target computer.

    myPersistVars = getPersistentVariables(tg);
  3. Copy the persistent variable values to a variable and remove the field for the variable. This example removes the field for the variable position.

    myNewPersistVars = rmfield(myPersistVars,'position');
  4. Use the setPersistentVariables function to apply the updated persistent variable values to the target computer.


Input Arguments

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Provides access to methods that manipulate the target computer properties.

Example: tg

A MATLAB struct whose field names are persistent variable names to set and whose field values are persistent variable values to set.

Example: myPersist

Version History

Introduced in R2022a