Determining whether a point on earth (given latitude and longitude) is on land or ocean

9 views (last 30 days)
I am looking for a quick way to determine whether a point on earth's surface (given latitude and longitude) falls on one of the continents or on an ocean.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Deep

Answers (6)

Amy Haskins
Amy Haskins on 1 Apr 2015
Edited: Amy Haskins on 1 Apr 2015
You could also try the inpolygon function.
% Load the coastline
coast = load('coast.mat');
ax = worldmap('world');
% Grab a point from the map
[lat,lon] = inputm(1,ax);
% Determine if it's within the coast polygon
isInland = inpolygon(lat,lon,,coast.long);

Brett Shoelson
Brett Shoelson on 9 Feb 2011
I think this will do it. It is a binary classifier: Ocean/Land.
coast = load('coast.mat');
[Z, R] = vec2mtx(, coast.long, ...
1, [-90 90], [-90 270], 'filled');
figure; worldmap(Z, R)
geoshow(Z, R, 'DisplayType', 'texturemap')
colormap([0 1 0;0 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1])
lat = 38.53;%N
lon = -57.07;%W
val = ltln2val(Z, R, lat, lon);
isOcean = val == 2
%isLand = ~isOcean

John on 9 Feb 2011
Perhaps something like this could help:

Chad Greene
Chad Greene on 28 Jan 2015
landmask(lat,lon) returns 1 for land, 0 for ocean.

Joshua Carmichael
Joshua Carmichael on 4 Oct 2023
The Matlatb function isinterior.m (new since 2022a) does this.

Kurt on 4 Feb 2025 at 14:52
Edited: Kurt on 4 Feb 2025 at 15:00
There is an even simpler solution, similar to Amy Haskins above, that does not even require the use of geo data.
I'm working with digital data. The satellite scans a patch of the Earth and sends back the lat and lon coordinates of each sample point in a 571 x 318 array.
I wanted to use the isinterior() function to tell if a point is inside or outside the shoreline, but it doesn't work with geopolyshape data. I realized that you don't need to use geo objects for this, just a simple axis object.
gx = axes;
load coastlines;
coast = polyshape(coastlon, coastlat)
plot(gx, coast);
Then as you cycle through each satellite lat/lon array, you call isinterior:
idxLand = isinterior(coast,lon,lat);
landlon = lon(idxLand);
landlat = lat(idxLand);
This will clip all the data outside the continents. It works like a charm, without resorting to geo data.


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