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use of vairibles with solve

2 views (last 30 days)
robert perry
robert perry on 13 Dec 2013
Commented: robert perry on 13 Dec 2013
hi, im fairly inexperienced in matlab so any help would be useful here basically i ave simple bit of code and i need to solve an equation for x where in the equation another preassigned variable is used
solve ('cos(x/b) + sin(x/b) - 0.7==x')
here 'b' should be a constant that's already been assigned earlier
also i'm having trouble getting answers from 'solve' to be stored in a variable. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Accepted Answer

David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 13 Dec 2013
The following code should not give you any trouble:
syms x
b = 3; % use your own value here
my_answer = solve (cos(x/b) + sin(x/b) - 0.7==x);
It yields:
my_answer =
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 Dec 2013
Note: this syntax will not work until about R2011b (I think it was). For earlier versions, change the "==x" to "-x"
robert perry
robert perry on 13 Dec 2013
i'm using R2013a so that's brilliant thanks, it was the ' syms x ' i was missingto make it work

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