How do we get classic menus back?
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Sure I can minimize the tool strip, but it doesn't spell out a bunch of functionalilty easy to find in the old menu bar.
Ribbons may be fine for selling Windows into elementary school, but Matlab is for professionals, not for kids learning to tweet and update their timeline.
And how is this "better"? Yes that's a rhetorical question... What a UI disaster.
So I have to write my request on the back of a $20 bill and mail it to MatLab Plaza? ;^))
1 Comment
jan schnupp
on 10 Sep 2021
I feel your pain. One more reason to switch to python as soon as possible.
Answers (2)
on 30 Jul 2018
Edited: Serge
on 30 Jul 2018
Ribbons are a waste of space, especially on a laptop screen. By using the quick access toolbar and lots of hacking you can replace:
with this:
Note: there is still lots of wasted space, but its much better. Hacking is required because there is no way to add figure buttons to quick access. You have to mimic figure buttons using favorite commands with custom icons and code such as:
if strcmpi(get(zoom,'Direction'),'out')
disp('zoom in: on')
elseif strcmpi(get(zoom,'Direction'),'in')
if strcmpi(get(zoom,'Enable'),'off')
disp('zoom in: on')
disp('zoom in: off')
Transferring these customization to another computer is a nightmare... Lets hope R2035 will be better.
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