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Edge Detection - Automatic/Adaptive Thresholding by scanning of image

3 views (last 30 days)

*Sir, i want to find out following points in my images:

1. convert the jpg to black/white or grayscale.

2. Make the size of all the figs. equal.

3. Take left hand bottom corner as origin.

4. scan left to right and bottom to top.

5. scan for intensities > threshold values [Note their position(coordinates) in an array]

6. After the entire fig is scanned, find the area with help of the(which i find the coordinates)coordinates.*

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 7 Feb 2014
Your post keeps getting smaller and smaller. If I wait long enough it may disappear entirely, which would be okay since it is (or was) essentially the same as your other question. But to answer this one
  1. grayImage = rgb2gray(jpgImage);
  2. Use imresize()
  3. Unneeded
  4. Unneeded
  5. binaryImage = grayImage > thresholdValue. This does the whole image in one shot - no need to do any scanning, starting from the corner or anywhere else. "Positions" are encoded into binaryImage.
  6. area = sum(binaryImage(:))

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