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loading multiple images and computing a single mean image

3 views (last 30 days)
I have a set of iamges (100 images) - im7 files, matrix [688 X 512], grey-scale (scienftic camera is used)
image are loaded in same folder readimx function load raw data from the image and additional information in the image header and by returns all of the information as a structure.
Below is a code that I used,
img_path = 'E:\test\';
im7_files = dir([img_path '*.im7']); %find typical file format, im7.
A1 = readimx([img_path im7_files(1).name]); %load all im7 files
figure;imagesc(double(A1.Data));colormap jet;colorbar
I am not sure whether it displays the mean images of multiple images.
I think I need to sum each pixcel value at each position and divide by 100 to have mean pixcel value for each position to generate one single mean image. but not sure how to do that...

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 23 Apr 2014

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