Clear Filters
Clear Filters


4 views (last 30 days)
Jason on 1 Aug 2011
Commented: Image Analyst on 23 Feb 2021
Hi. I want to be able to load a large tiff (say 1000 x 1000) and manually select a smaller ROI (e.g. 50x50) and display this new reduced image (but not by binning).
I have experimented with
h = imrect;
pos = h.getPosition()
but after I create the rectangle and then move it, the coordinates do not change. I am not sure how to: 1 create an "onmove" call back to ouptut the coordinates 2: Then take these and create the smaller image from the larger on (and display it) Thanks Jason

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Aug 2011
Why not consider rbbox()? There is a nice example in the help for it.

More Answers (2)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 1 Aug 2011
Look at the first example in the
doc imrect
documentation file. A few small changes to the callback function and you'll be all set.
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 1 Aug 2011
This line is what to do with the new position. Here I assigned it to the base workspace as 'pos'. You could assign it somewhere else, save it, display it, etc.
Jason on 1 Aug 2011
Thanks Sean. I liked the rbbox option more as it seemed more elegant. But I do want to thank you for your help as well, I know have 2 ways.
Thankyou again.

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Asad Alam
Asad Alam on 22 Feb 2021
How can we identify fixed Region of interest in every image specific for pixel[120 370 ,240 340] it should be a fixed rectangular window?
Asad Alam
Asad Alam on 23 Feb 2021
I have 10 images in a folder i have used imagedatatore to call all of them now first i have to use 1 image processed it and then loop back for the next image then processed(processing means i have to create a rectangular window on each of thr 10 images bacically each rectangular window will be the region of interest now i have to save this cropped rectangular image and then use this image for further process) it then loop back for thi i have used while loop
Basically i want tto know how can i use indexing like selecting one image crop it then do all other processing then save it and loop back
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 23 Feb 2021
Your "Answer" doesn't sound like an "Answer" for @Jason so I suggest you read this link
and then start your own question with your images attached. In the meantime see the FAQ:

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