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How can I divide my text file in several blocks?

4 views (last 30 days)
I want to read my text file "January_5d" and divide it in 5 different blocks(day by day)because I would like to plot the several trending. What I have so far is:
% code
YourFilePath = 'C:\Users\Matlab\January_5d.txt';
fid = fopen(YourFilePath ,'rt');
Datafile = textscan(fid,'%s%s%s%s%s','Headerlines',2);
%Allocate all the measured value in the "Value1" variable
Value = Datafile{3};
Value = cellfun(@(x) textscan(x,'%s','Delimiter', ' ')',Value ,'UniformOutput',false);
Y = vertcat(Value{:});
X = cellfun(@transpose,Y,'UniformOutput',false);
Z = cellfun(@str2double,X,'UniformOutput',false);
%Allocate all the times in the "Time1" variable
Time (:,1)= Datafile{2};
%close the text file
With this code I can read all the file and store all the data in the 2 variables 'Value1' and 'Time1' but I don't know how I could store the data in 5 different blocks(day by day).Can someone help me?

Accepted Answer

per isakson
per isakson on 13 May 2014
Edited: per isakson on 13 May 2014
This function outputs a diagram for day one
function cssm
YourFilePath = 'h:\m\cssm\January_5d.txt';
fid = fopen( YourFilePath, 'rt' );
Datafile = textscan( fid, '%s%s%f%s%s' ...
, 'Headerlines',2, 'CollectOutput', true );
%Allocate all the measured value in the "Value1" variable
Value1 = Datafile{2};
%Allocate all the times in the "Time1" variable
Time1 = datevec( cell2mat( Datafile{1} ), 'yyyy-mm-ddHH:MM:SS' );
block1 = Value1( Time1(:,3)==1 );
t1 = Time1 ( Time1(:,3)==1, : );
figure, plot( datenum(t1)-datenum(t1(1)), block1 )
per isakson
per isakson on 13 May 2014
Edited: per isakson on 13 May 2014
On CollectOutput doc says
If true, then textscan concatenates consecutive output cells of
the same fundamental MATLAB class into a single array.
I think that data and time concatenated makes the code easier to read and understand. Yes, this just one way out of several alternatives.

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