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How to detect and crop boundry of the given image deleting unwanted space?

1 view (last 30 days)
I want to crop the "Capture.JPG" image from "1.jpg"(left image=>right image)
I used the imcrop but it doesn't gave me the desired image.
My code is given below. Code requires two folders "Testing Images" and "Preprocess Testing Images".
code :-
Imges = dir('Testing Images\*jpg');
for i = 1:numel(Imges)
filename = strcat('Testing Images\',Imges(i).name);
Igray = rgb2gray(I);
imwrite(Igray,strcat('Preprocessed Testing Images\GrayScale',int2str(i),'.jpg'));
Ibw = im2bw(Igray,graythresh(Igray));
imwrite(Ibw,strcat('Preprocessed Testing Images\Binary',int2str(i),'.jpg'));
Ibwn=wiener2(Ibw,[5 5]);
imwrite(Ibwn,strcat('Preprocessed Testing Images\AfterNoise',int2str(i),'.jpg'));
Iedge = edge(Ibwn,'canny');
imwrite(Iedge,strcat('Preprocessed Testing Images\AfterEdge()',int2str(i),'.jpg'));
se = strel('arbitrary',2);
Iedge2 = imdilate(Iedge, se);
imwrite(Iedge2,strcat('Preprocessed Testing Images\AfterImdilate()',int2str(i),'.jpg'));
Ifill= imfill(Iedge2,'holes');
imwrite(Ifill,strcat('Preprocessed Testing Images\AfterImfill()',int2str(i),'.jpg'));
imwrite(IfillInvert,strcat('Preprocessed Testing Images\AfterImInvert()',int2str(i),'.jpg'));
Ifinal1 = bwareaopen(IfillInvert,100);
[Ilabel num] = bwlabel(Ifinal1);
Iprops = regionprops(Ilabel);
Ibox = [Iprops.BoundingBox];
Icrop = imcrop(I,Ibox);
imwrite(Icrop,strcat('Preprocessed Testing Images\AfterCrop1()',int2str(i),'.jpg'));
Indunie Florence
Indunie Florence on 1 Jun 2014
no, It doesn't crop above image correctly. Actually above code is a testing code for cropping. Your code is working to the given image by me. It is a very clear card. According to my target I use images with some noises. After some functions worked, it produces a image without boundary. I want to crop it too. Your code didn't work in this situation.
Can you help me.Image is given below. It is in binary mode.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 1 Jun 2014
It's a different card so will require a different algorithm. Since it's not a green box, you need to invert the image, then call bwconvhull(), then bwlabeland regionprops, finally imcrop. Give it a try.

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 31 May 2014
Try the attached test.m file to produce this image.

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