How to remove empty line from struct?

15 views (last 30 days)
Mira le
Mira le on 17 Aug 2021
Answered: Walter Roberson on 16 May 2023
Hello every one
I have struct D with two fields: index
sequence [ ]
D :
1 [1 2 4 5]
[] []
3 [1 2 4 5]
4 [1 2 3 5]
I want to remove the empty line from D and become
1 [1 2 4 5]
3 [1 2 4 5]
4 [1 2 3 5]
thank you

Answers (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 May 2023
mask = cellfun(@isempty, {D.index}) & cellfun(@isempty, {D.sequence});
D = D(~mask);

Yazan on 17 Aug 2021
D.f1 = [1 2 3 4 5];
D.f2 = [];
% structure with 2 fields
D = struct with fields:
f1: [1 2 3 4 5] f2: []
% get fields
fields = fieldnames(D)
fields = 2×1 cell array
{'f1'} {'f2'}
% remove empty fields
D = rmfield(D, fields(structfun(@isempty, D)))
D = struct with fields:
f1: [1 2 3 4 5]
Yazan on 17 Aug 2021
Provie your structure array so that I can take a look.
Tobias Wrammerfors
Tobias Wrammerfors on 16 May 2023
As far as I can tell, this seems to remove empty fields, not rows that are empty in all fields.

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