How to make vertical stripes line contour plot?

6 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone,
I have a one dimensional monthly data for 5 years (i.e, 60 points). The data are varying in range between -3 to +3. I want to make a contour plot
of vertical striped lines each of same width corresponding to the value of the each data points.
To clarify more---
in X axis-------there are months.
in Y axis--- Vertical stripe lines of same width and height (may be 4 units). The vertical colour lines intensity shouldd be representing the data value.
first line==(same colour thorught the height). (if data has positive value in this point )
second line==(same color different intensity) (if data has positive value in this point )
So the plot must show the colorbar too.
Any sort of help would be really great.
Thanking you in advance.

Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 23 Aug 2021
Edited: Adam Danz on 24 Aug 2021
dt = datetime(01,01,2000) + calmonths(0:59); % row vector
vals = rand(size(dt))*6-3; % vector (row or col)
hold on
dateInt = diff(dt);
dateInt = dateInt([1:end, end])/2;
x = dt + dateInt.*[-1;-1;1;1];
[ymin,ymax] = bounds(vals);
y = repmat([ymin;ymax;ymax;ymin],1,numel(vals));
cvals = 3*ones(numel(vals),1).*-(vals(:)<0);
hold on
patch(x, y, cvals, 'FaceAlpha', 0.25, 'EdgeColor','none')
colormap([0 0 1; 1 0 0])
cb = colorbar();
Alpha scaled to y-values
See "fadescale" to scale the fade.
dt = datetime(01,01,2000) + calmonths(0:59); % row vector
vals = rand(size(dt))*6-3; % vector (row or col)
vals = sin(linspace(-pi,pi,numel(dt)))*2 + rand(1,numel(dt))*2-1;
% Compute patch verts
dateInt = diff(dt);
dateInt = dateInt([1:end, end])/2;
x = dt + dateInt.*[-1;-1;1;1];
[ymin,ymax] = bounds(vals);
y = repmat([ymin;ymax;ymax;ymin],1,numel(vals));
% Plot, start with underlying patches
hold on
h =patch(x, y, vals, 'EdgeColor','none');
% set colormap
nbins = 255;
fadescale = 0.7; % higher is more faded (0:1)
rgb = [ones(ceil(nbins/2),1),linspace(fadescale,1,ceil(nbins/2))' .* [1,1]];
rgb = [rgb; rot90(rgb(1:floor(nbins/2),:),2)];
cb = colorbar();
% Add data
plot(dt,vals,'ko:','MarkerFaceColor',[.4 .4 .4], 'MarkerSize',4)
axis tight
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 24 Aug 2021
By overlay line do you mean the gray line in my example?
What specific problems are you having? An error? Line not appearing?
Are you plotting the stripes first and then adding the line? If you're plotting the line first, it's under the stripes so you can't see it.

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